I’ve got Kitty Pride
And Nightcrawler Too
Waiting There for Me
Yes I Do, I Do
Propagation Delay
Talk about lag, The Reporter published my playlist just this week! Thanks to Marisa for the heads-up (cause you can be damn sure that I am not reading the Reporter anymore.. :P)
Don’t look at me i’m ugly in the morning
I hate USA Group. If those fucking morons would get my account straight for ONE month it would stupify me.
“What a day, what a day
If you can look it in the face
And hold you’re vomit”
Fantômas has a new album coming out, entitled “The Director’s Cut”. The album consists of covers of film soundtracks, and someone looking at the track listing might suspect that I am thoroughly anticipating this release. :)
Ipecac released a single track from the album, the theme from Rosemary’s Baby, which sounds totally awesome (especially when played very loud. :P).
Rest in peace, Joey…
Whether you liked the Ramones or not, it is hard not to agree that they left an indelible mark (er, crater?) on the face of modern music….
Wow… It’s now official…
I officially accepted the offer from Rovia today, sending back the letter signed and all. So I guess I am now committed to living with Massholes. :) I will make sure to watch alot of The Sopranos, however, so I don’t begin to develop some annoying accent. And also, never fear, a water fountain will never be a bubbler.
The letter said that my start date was May 1st, which I can stick to, but I will be busy these next few weeks finding an apartment and moving into it. I might live in Brighton near Adam and Rory, or perhaps somewhere else, but wherever it is, it will be near mass transit, since I don’t plan on having another car for awhile.
I am going to break Boston in right, though, by seeing a concert less than a week after I start work. :) I am going to go see Autechre at the Middle East, which I guess is actually in Cambridge, but whatever. I have been wanting to see these guys for a long time, so it will be cool to finally do so (and to see another concert, which is something I haven’t done since I saw Moby in Rochester). The concert is on May 7th, which is a Monday (odd, no?), and for those of you not in Boston, the 2 prior days they will be playing in New Jersey and NYC.
Things are good also I hear
Back from Boston now, and while
The company seemed cool, and very small (25 employees, including execs) which is definately a bonus. I would get to work with some friends, and the work definately wouldn’t be boring (getting to work with a favorite open-source project on an intimate basis). But the big question is will they deliver the benjamin’s… I would consider the job if they will line me properly..
My MP3 player rocked on the trip too; it is nice not having to futz with cd’s or deal with the radio for the entire trip, and it ran off batteries the whole time, charging it overnight each night.
I will be more substantial later, but my brain is mush right now.
Thanks to all the people who wished me a happy birthday out there…. It is really appreciated and sometimes you lose scope of how many friends you really have.
In other news, it is amazing how easy it is to fill up 6 gigs of space with music…..
My sisters rock!
i like music
I made another pilgrimage to Cafe Soundz with James last night, and I picked up one of the 3 missing Skinny Puppy CDs (Remission), and also a good-ol’ random CD based on the recommendation of the store owner, Bobby. It is a pretty good cd, by Alder & Elius, and it is out on Skam Records. Skam is usually fairly reliable, and this disc hasn’t disappointed me yet. It is experimental electronic music, and the first few tracks seem like they were experimenting with microtuning and such, while the later tracks seem a bit more straightforward… I will have to see if it grows closer to me or farther away…
Later, we ended up hanging out at the Budd Lake diner with Chuck and Amy. We were out for a long time, but I met a few new people, which never hurts. Later tonight those three are coming over to watch Sgt. Kabukiman, N.Y.P.D. with me and my father (who bought the movie). Should be fun!
I failed to return a movie to the video store last night, so I guess I have to do it some time today.