Ben and Aimee

Ben and Aimee
Originally uploaded by seangraham.

Ben and Aimee’s wedding was this weekend. The whole affair went off pretty smoothly, but it also kept me rather busy. Everyone here at work is asking how my long weekend was, and I have to let them know that it was more of a short weekend… More accurately, it was a weekend with periods of partying punctuating a hum of stress and schlepping. But what else can you expect from a wedding… :)

and I arrived in Jersey around midnight after work on Thursday. Friday, Ben and his family (who I hadn’t met before) arrived, so we entertained them and kept the 4 dogs (two are my parents’ and two are Ben & Aimee’s) in line. Saturday was the rehearsal dinner, and so we were moving food and drinks over to the hall for a lot of that day. But once we were set up, it was great seeing all the family and friends who had come out for the wedding.

Sunday was the big day, and I was standing with Ben, which required me to get into a tuxedo for the first time in my life. The ceremony was at 11:30, but we had to get over to Bretton Woods for pictures and whatnot by 9:30. The weather held out for pretty much the whole day, although it started getting overcast after the ceremony, but we were inside at that point. Everyone seemed to have a great time.. Ben and Aimee seemed so comfortable; Television and movies have taught me that people are supposed to freak out before their wedding, but these kids had it together.

Monday was very relaxing, we spent the day on the boat and caught Superman Returns at night. That movie was fantastic… People seem rather polarized by it, but I thought it was great.

Anyway, there are tons of pics of the weekend up on Flickr, so if you care, take a gander. I also created a Flickr group for the wedding, so if you think you should have access to that drop a line to Aimee or myself.


The music quiz from the other day was a partial success, with you guys guessing 7/20 correctly. I’ve put the correct answers below the cut, so don’t click that link if you’re still playing. Of course, if you’re reading this via an RSS feed you will just have to avert your eyes.

This quiz (and the lack of variety in the “random” songs) inspired me to finally refill my iPod. I was drawing from a hastily chosen (by dragging random artists to the iPod) 10 gigs when I made the quiz. Now all 30 gigs are filled with hand-chosen albums. Maybe I’ll make a new quiz with the newly-filled iPod… Or I could just use iTunes instead of my iPod and draw from 90 gigs.

Answers Below The Cut


From :

  1. Put your mp3 player on random.
  2. Post a line from the first 20 songs that play.
  3. Ask everyone to guess what song and artist the lines come from.
  4. Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
  5. No cheating.

I had to reformat my iPod recently, and haven’t “really” loaded it back up yet, so this is coming from a pretty limited selection of music.

  1. Smearing wet concrete and swearing you’ll never be caught – “Caffeine” by Faith No More ()
  2. A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me – “Oh! You Pretty Things” by David Bowie ()
  3. The Patty Duke the wrench and then I bust the tango
  4. A shallow pond slow descending so slow to drown – “Last Call” by Skinny Puppy ()
  5. They say it’s your birthday; We’re gonna have a good time – “Birthday” by The Beatles ()
  6. My brother wants a ride to the liquor store
  7. Just an inch between striking out and striking rich
  8. And a woman hot with worry slyly slipped a tin of stewing steak – “God Knows I’m Good” by David Bowie ()
  9. If the illusion is real; Let them give you a ride
  10. When they play tunes, when they play tunes, when they play riffs of the hard rock beat
  11. Strung out until ripped apart; Who dares, dares to condemn
  12. She’s sleepin’ with her head in the kitchen; And her feet’s out in the hall
  13. Wicked waits the torturer – “Inquisition” by Skinny Puppy ()
  14. Though the hunter in the night; Fills your childish heart with fright
  15. He-li venco -de-ho; Chi-le venco de-ho – “Warszawa” by David Bowie (Anonymous Commenter)
  16. Tell me wife I love her very much she knows – “Space Oddity” by David Bowie ()
  17. Dont u know straight hair aint got no curl (no curl)
  18. He’d like for her to roll and rock him; Turn his life around
  19. I’ve done my best to live the right way; I get up every morning and go to work each day
  20. You know you will have little time to stop and think; when engaging in hand-to-hand combat.


This weekend was hectic…. Friday night and I met up with her friend Lisa who was in town for a conference. She invited us to a grill party in Allston. Lots of standing, so my leg was a little barky, but it was a great time.

Saturday we spent most of the day cleaning the apartment, and I worked on fixing the PC, which had a under volt on the power supply’s 3.3v rail. I replaced the supply, but the crashing persisted.. It seems now that the video card is overheating, so I turned down the settings on the game I was playing and it seemed to improve the sitchmo. I guess ultimately it will need to be replaced, but that’d require a PCI Express motherboard, so it will have to wait.

Today we continued cleaning, in preparation for Coco’s parents’ visit this week. After cleaning ended, we went over to ‘s family’s pool for a quick bit of swimming and grilling before racing back to Harvard Square to see Sir, No Sir! with the film club.

Weekend Hijinks

This was a crazy weekend… Friday night I went over ‘s place to watch the first World Cup games (Tivo delayed, of course). There was chili to be eaten, booze to be dranked, and friends to scream and yell with. Before lots of people got over we played some pass-around Worms. We had to play passaround because people had to wait until Sunday to get their DS Lites… Anyway, that was tons of fun and I didn’t get home until like 1am.

Saturday morning I had to wake up extra-extra early to take to South Station, as she was headed to NYC for the weekend to visit with some college friends.. When I got back to the apartment I couldn’t sleep, so I watched some TV and geeked out until noon. At noon I returned to Matt’s for grilling, DS-in, and more soccer. At night we headed out to Saugus for some delicious Kelly’s Roast Beef, but on the way noticed that the Krispy Kreme in Medford (which has been closed for months) will soon be replaced by ANOTHER KELLY’S! Kelly’s delicious roast beef only half as far away? Sign me the fuck up!

Sunday was more of the same, except Pat and Matt both had their DS’ finally, so we were able to play wireless Worms instead, which was way more fun… Saw Raiders of the Lost Ark with the film club last night, which was awesome on the big screen, and Corinna returned, exhausted, from her weekend trip.

This morning we met with the contractor who will be renovating our bathroom in the next few weeks, which took way longer than expected, but he answered alot of important questions for us and made us feel generally better about the whole process.


The CFO approved my purchase order for a new air conditioner for the living room a few weeks ago. This weekend I was sitting on the couch like a vegetable this weekend when it turned itself on. I mustered up the energy to get up off the couch and see what was going on. I stared at the thing for about 5 minutes, unable to figure out what was going on and fearing that I’d have to remove it from the window and return it to Target. Finally, I figured out that the stupid remote control that came with the A/C was using the same signal for “Power” as the “Select” button on the Tivo remote. I laughed for about 10 minutes straight, and eventually covered the IR receiver on the A/C with some electrical tape.

Who actually needs a remote on their A/C? I have never had to adjust my A/C so much that I felt a remote was in order. As Ron Popeil says, Just set it, and forget it!