Burned Out Excitement!

and I have been trying to get ready to sell her condo.  We’ve gone to a bunch of open houses, started tying up the projects we’ve been procrastinating on for months now, and started identifying things that we need to sell, give away, or put into storage…  I lined up a 5×5 storage locker for us to keep the stuff we want to move to our new home, but that makes the current place look cluttered to prospective buyers.

This weekend we have several projects to keep us busy, including packing boxes to put in storage, installing the threshold under the bathroom door, painting, electrical, etc…   I know that after we move, there will still be tons of projects to do in the new place, but at least then I won’t feel so guilty about procrastinating, as I won’t be holding up the sale and purchase…  I’m really excited to finish this process and move into our new home…  That said, this weekend is going to suck…  :)

Interview Meme



  1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
  2. I respond by asking you five questions of a very inane and creepily surreal nature. (Or maybe they’ll just be questions…)
  3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
  4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
  5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. How’s Beantown these days?

I still love it here…  It is so great living in a city where alternative transportation is a real option.  I normally walk to work, although after the snow/ice storm this week I’ve been taking the bus to avoid the treacherous sidewalks…

I know the weather isn’t for everyone, but I really like defined seasons…  I don’t like really, really hot weather… So by the last few weeks of summer, I’m thinking “Ok, I’m ready for fall!”.  And, by the last few weeks of winter, “I’m ready for spring!”.  So, for me, those seasons are just a week or two long, but why be picky.  

2. What’s the deal with giving your cars nicknames?

Oh, it’s clearly stupid.  

I’ve actually only done it for the past two cars (besides affectionate names for cars like “shitbox” or “fucking wagon”).  Since I started driving, whenever I’d be stuck behind some sunday driver in a Minivan, I’d always say “Come on, Maude, get it moving” or something to that effect..  So when I took the Minivan from my parents during my unemployed job search, I started calling the car “Maude”.   It always seemed to me that people who named their cars generally drove expensive or classic cars, so I guess I found humor in naming ahand-me-down van.

When that car died, for some reason I decided to continue the tradition and named my Hyundai “Hawkeye” (Hyundai is Korean, MASH, blah blah blah).  The “joke” hasn’t gotten old for me, I guess…  

3. What percentage of your life is taken up by your career?

That depends on the job I’m holding at any given time…  When I worked at Rovia, I really had no social life outside of work.. Any free time I did have was spent with Adam, Matt, & Rory..  I had no life, no girlfriend, and little free time.  As much fun as I had at Rovia, I recognized that after that ended, I wasn’t terribly keen in working 50-70 hours weeks again…

When I took the job at Goodrich, I was excited, because it seemed like people tended to work 40 hour weeks, which for the most part was true.  But with the 45 minute drive (each way, without traffic) combined with the extreme disinterest that grew in me for the work I was doing there, I really spent a good chunk of the day thinking about work, even when I wasn’t there.  I’d get home, be in a foul mood, and stew until I passed out.  Obviously, this wasn’t good for my relationship with

either, although she was a trooper…  Beyond all that, Goodrich’s vacation policy was crappy, so I only had 2 weeks of vacation, most of which was consumed by the Christmas travels (and would have only been worse now that Corinna and I are trying to spend Christmas together).

My current situation is great.  My boss, who is also a co-founder of the company, is a firm believer in the 40 hour week.  The company takes obvious pains to keep it’s employees happy, with little perks here and there (For instance, we got a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day), I feel both appreciated and that I am being appropriately compensated, with both money and vacation, and enjoy the things I am working on.  While it still takes me 40-45 minutes to get to work in the morning, I feel alot better about a casual 2.25 mile walk to work versus a 27 mile drive..  

When I get home now, I rarely think about work…  Sometimes inspiration strikes at the strangest times, and I’ll take advantage of that inspiration, but nowadays that generally means jotting down ideas and emailing them to myself at work.  I don’t do any “work” at home..  

Finally, to answer your actual question, I’d say that my career consumes about 25-30 percent of my life right now…  I work 8 hours a day, sleep 7, and have the rest of the time for myself (not to mention weekends and vacation, where I go out of my way to avoid thinking of work).  And I’m pretty comfortable with that percentage.

4. If you had the power of perfect persuasion for just one conversation, to whom would you talk and what would you say?

This one is the toughest to answer, because there are so many things I wish would change in this world.  But if I had to pick one thing, I think I’d sit down with world leaders and try and convince them to actually push for renewable, non-polluting energy research and policy.   I think that if someone could make that happen, the world would benefit greatly.

5. What will you want to have accomplished so that when you’re 80, you can look back on your life and feel it was well-lived?

It’s funny that you ask this question, because I’ve been really trying to think about things like this of late…  I can honestly say that at (near) 30,I am very satisfied with the way I’ve lived my life.   I don’t want to make it sound like I’ve been sitting around forming some kind of personal mission statement, but here’s the kinds of things I’ve been thinking about:

  • I would like to continue being a valuable contributor to whoever is paying my bills while still feeling like I am an individual.  I want to work to live, not live to work… 
  • I want to avoid being trapped by excess, while still living comfortably…  Corinna and I don’t need a 2000 sq. ft. home, so why waste the money on one?  I don’t need some fancy luxury car, so why not go with a more efficient economy car (or, hopefully, no car at all!).
  • Along the same lines, I want to do what I can to minimize our personal “footprint” here on earth..  If that means paying a bit more for energy or materials, so be it, where possible.  In planning the purchase (and any renovations) of our new home, consider this as part of the purchase decision.  I’m not planning on living in a tree like some kind of hippie, but lots of small things can add up to something great.
  • TRAVEL!  One of the big regrets I have in life is my limited travel experience.  This year might be difficult with all the money we will be laying out to move into a new house, but I’d really like to travel to a foreign country in the next 365 days.  And I’d like to continue to do so at least once every year of my life.  I’ve never had a real, “grown up” vacation, mostly because Goodrich’s vacation policy was so stingy..  Now that I am getting 3 weeks (plus 1.25 days a year), this should be a much more realistic goal.
  • I don’t want to (have to) work until I die.  I’d like to wisely save for retirement so that when that time comes around we can enjoy retirement.  If I want to continue to work, so be it, but I don’t want to be forced into it.

I’m sure there are other things, but that’s what comes to mind right now.

Strontium 90

I got pretty nice tickets to see The Police at Fenway Park (Right Field Box, Section 9-2, Row G).  I normally don’t like big shows, and I normally don’t like paying so much ($100 per) for tickets, but I doubt the band is going to be playing the The Middle East any time soon, and I was so young when they split up that I never had a chance to see them.  After seeing them on the Grammys last Sunday, I was sold…

2006 Films in Review

Roller Boogie

, Audra, and I went to the ALL SKATE Roller Boogie last night at Chez-Vous.  As you may have guessed, this was not my idea, but I try to be good, giving, and game, so I figured what the hell..    It was a good time, although I needed to take a break every time or three around the rink, as I’d guess the last time I wore roller skates was 15-20 years ago.  The DJs they had were good, and none of us fell, so I can’t complain.  Chez-Vous is Boston’s only roller rink, and it totally had the feeling of a business held together by passion and a strong family…  Audra had gone to the ALL SKATE event in December, and she said the place was empty..  Last night, however, it was hoppin’, and there were plenty of people to watch when I was taking a panic break. 

By the end of the night I started to remember how to skate, although I was still really nervous..  I managed to do something to my ankle too, as it is sore today, but such is the price of fun….  Oh yeah, they had a concession with fried dough, and it was great…..   Mmmm…..


Friday after work,


, and I left for Rochester…  We hit the road around 6:45pm and expected to arrive some time near Midnight..  Unfortunately, as soon as we were ready to leave, it started snowing..  Apparently in Boston it quickly turned to rain, but we had white-out conditions until the Mass border, delaying us like crazy…  We were planning on driving directly to Nick’s, but had to bail just because we arrived so late.   But we just revised the plans to hit Dinosaur for lunch on Saturday and grab some Nick’s for dinner just before FUMN started… 

We hit up Dinosaur with some folks as planned, and then headed over to CSH to hang out on floor for awhile…  Unfortunately, almost everyone was at some stupid RIT function that ResLife leaned on the house to attend…   I was pretty much set to go to Nick’s before FUMN, but I got guilted into attending

‘s birthday celebration..  It was a great time, but I really wanted Nick’s…

FUMN seemed to be a great success..  The committee picked a fine selection of flicks this year:

The films seemed to be pretty well received, although each flick had it’s detractors, but that’s to be expected..   We might have shown another film, but we got a late start as it was (after 10pm) and finished things up around 4am…  As it was I was contemplating dropping Oldboy and going out to Nick’s, but I decided to make that sacrifice….  :)

Sunday we swung by DiBella’s on our way out of town, which was as delicious as always.  We had a really nice drive back though…  The TomTom did us right, guiding us directly to Garrett’s for his Super Bowl party..  We watched the boredom of the Super Bowl and hung out with friends I hadn’t seen in awhile..   Finally rolled into Boston at 11pm, and crashed pretty quickly…

See, I told you FUMN was Scholarly!

I did a vanity search today for the phrase “fucked up movie night”, and was astonished to find that FUMN was cited in an academic article!

“Besides video and DVD rentals and purchases, the film is still being shown in theatres around the world. Indeed, in January 2001, the Royal Cinema in Toronto played an Ilsa double feature, presenting Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS at 9:15, and Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks at its 11:30 PM show. Paradise Cinema in Toronto also showed the double feature. It has also been shown on college campuses. For instance, Associated Students of UC Davis advertised it ironically as “the heart-warming, inspirational World War II epic” for a free-screening, Lewis and Clark College played it during its “alternative movie night,” and Rochester Institute of Technology showed it for “fucked up movie night.””

  Rapaport, Lynn – “Holocaust Pornography: Profaning the Sacred in ‘Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS,'” in Shofar, 22, Fall 2003

I’m not sure what pleases me more, the fact that showing “Ilsa, She-Wolf of the S.S.” was enough to get us into a scholarly journal, or that the credit (blame?) for showing the film was given to RIT as opposed to “The Committee”.  =)

On that subject, tomorrow is FUMN #16 at 9:45pm in the conference room below Kate Gleason Hall.    We’ll be landing in Rochester tonight around midnight, and will likely go directly to Nick’s.  Be there or be somewhere else.

Beside You in Time

Went out to the Middle East last night to see a screening of the new Nine Inch Nails video release Beside You In Time.  It was gorgeous, but I ended up leaving after just a handful of songs…  The problem was that the Middle East’s downstairs has a really low ceiling, therefore, the screen wasn’t placed that high, therefore, I spent most of my time looking at the backs of heads as opposed to the screen.   The video quality was really good, especially considering they were using a Dell projector, which probably wasn’t tuned as well for video as a nice HDTV set would be.  The sound was amazing, the one big plus for doing the screening at a club as opposed to a theatre.

There was a deal where if you preordered the DVD, you got a lithograph, but I passed on it..  Their preorder prices were way too high ($18 for the DVD, vs. $14 on Amazon), and since I’ll be getting an HDTV in the near future, I’d rather buy one of the HD formats.  Unfortunately, I have no idea which HD format (HD-DVD or Bluray) to support, so I think I’ll just hold off on buying this one until I actually have the gear available.  But once all those questions are answered, there’s no doubt that I’ll be buying this release, it is simply gorgeous.