Still not ready

I played $2/4 Hold’em last night at a home game in Cambridge, and I ended the night down $16. I overplayed a bunch of pocket pairs, I still haven’t developed the discipline necessary to be a good player. I am still in the middle of reading poker books, so I pretty much sat down last night for fun, but I hate losing money either way.

Tonight is the Mum concert with , , equalize and his friend Michelle. I think we have one extra ticket if anyone is interested. I might be videotaping the show for the Brainwashed Eye along with Jon, but we’ll see. He’s interviewing the band before the show, and they are playing two shows tonight (6pm and 8:30pm), and we are going to the later show, so I’m not sure which show he plans of filming.

I love food

After work, I met up with and her friend Sara (who was in town for a Slow Food tasting/fundraiser event) at the apartment. After chillin’ for awhile we headed over to BU for the actual event, which was awesome. There were like 11 restaurants and vineyards represented there, and while Corinna was there to taste wine, I was there to taste food. I had some fantastic aged beef from Grill 23, as well as a lovely roulade from Caffe Umbra.. There was plenty of other fantastic food, but it’s too much for me to recount it all. :) After the tasting we dropped Sara off at South Station to catch her train.

After we got back, Corinna went to bed and I installed the CacheCard in my TiVo. I had some trouble getting it seated, but once I did it worked like a champ. The TiVo takes about 3x longer to start (it has to copy the entire 512MB database onto the DIMM), but once it is up and running it screams. The “Now Playing” menu, which used to take 5 seconds or so to appear (due to the increased program capacity afforded by my second HD in there) now appears in “no time” (not long enough to really count). I also rearranged a season pass, and while it still took a significant amount of time, it was MUCH less than before. I don’t have any actual benchmarks, so you are just going to have to trust me when I say it’s faster. Note to : Send me your stupid address already! I have mailed your CSH address several times asking for it and haven’t heard anything back.


My company is cool too!

We will be having a ice-cream social on Wednesday, June 23 at 2:30 pm in the Cafeteria. All are invited.

Eye Q Optical had the same frames I had in a different color, so I now have Black and Blue frames (as opposed to Brown and Green). They gave me a discount on the replacement too and had them ready in like 30 minutes. Hopefully this pair doesn’t break again, but who knows… After getting the glasses we went to the Fenway 13 theatre to see Dodgeball, which I really liked. Everyone at the club seemed to agree that we are growing tired of Ben Stiller’s schtick though. Vince Vaughn was really funny, and there were some great gags in it. In addition, I wholeheartedly welcome the return of Jason Bateman to the screen.

I got a Gmail account over the weekend, seems pretty cool, although I’m not a big webmail user. And grahams was taken as a username, so I had to pick something else, which sucks.

Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabble

Last night I saw Skinny Puppy at Avalon. I wasn’t expecting much, but I was really impressed… They pulled off a good show and I really enjoyed it. Sure they may just be a visage of their former selves without Dwayne, but they can still kick out a brap. They played some OLD songs (Glass Houses, Smothered Hope, …) which really surprised me.. It was a good balance of new and old (and their new album isn’t too shabby either). I also got a new t-shirt to torture my mother with..

I really felt out of sorts at the show last night. It seemed like everyone was either 18 or 40, and I felt like the only guy in the middle. I guess that’s what happens at a gig for a band who is 20+ years old, but still. Plus I have given up “wearing all black”, so I was set apart once again. Tweaker was the opening band, and they weren’t terrible, but they were definitely very Stabbing Westward-level industrial blah…

My glasses broke this morning, so after gets out of the shower she is driving me to the glasses place so I can hopefully rectify that situation.


I got into an argument with someone regarding an interview question. The question is “write a function to print out the fibonacci sequence”, and then the person went on a rant about someone they interviewed who solved the problem but didn’t use recursion. His argument is that using recursion showed a bit more “programming prowess”, but the problem I see is that with a recursive solution you end up recomputing terms you have already computed (This iteration’s (n-1) is the prior iterations (n-2). In addition, with a recursive solution you have to give an upper bound to the series.

In my mind, a simpler solution would go something like this:

int main() {
unsigned int current = 0;
unsigned int previous = 1;

while(1) {
unsigned int new = current + previous;

printf("%i ", current);

previous = current;
current = new;

Voila, problem solved without inane stack growth. There are possibly other (even “better”) non-recursive solutions to this problem, but in my opinion, this would be a “good enough” answer if I was interviewing someone. Of course, I rarely am interested in making people write code on whiteboards in interviews, so I probably wouldn’t ask it in the first place, but that’s a different story. This argument reminds me of one awhile back where someone was arguing that you don’t always need to use the bounded string functions in C because sometimes you “know how much space you need”.

P.S. I do realize that without a ceiling on the calculation I will eventually roll the int over, but that’s tangential

P.P.S. Of course using new as a variable name was a bad choice (since it is also a C++ keyword), but again, that is tangential, so stop whining at me about it.

Like the Louvre, but cooler

and I decided against going to the “secret screening” last night; I wouldn’t say we were “movied out”, but it was more we were tired from so many nights out this week. We stayed in and watched Pitch Black, which wasn’t bad at all (wasn’t great either, but it wasn’t bad). It definitely had the nice “Aliens Ripoff” feel, but so what, it’s not like Alien was wholly-original either.

After the movie, I spent some time fixing my photos, which are now back up. If you poke around it you will see a bunch of pictures I added late last week but forgot to mention, including a few of and slacklining, ‘s Graduation, and pictures of Corinna’s brother’s sculptures.

Sci-fi nerd-of-the-moment, Cory Doctorow, gave a talk at Microsoft about why DRM is a bad idea. It is a pretty good read, perhaps I will read some of his fiction now.

The Free Movie Showdown

On Tuesday and I saw a free preview screening of Napoleon Dynamite, and I just wrote up a review for next weeks Brainwashed Brain. Then yesterday we saw a free preview screening ofThe Terminal. Today I have two more passes to one of the Kendall’s “Secret Screenings”, but that might be a bit too much… We’ll see, it’s at 7pm so my mind may change when I get home. Corinna didn’t sound interested, especially since the movie is a “secret”…

Tomorrow we are going to see The Chronicles of Riddick with Audra. I haven’t seen Pitch Black, mostly because I think Vin Diesel is a tool, but I hear he plays D&D, so who knows.. Anyway, I have Pitch Black out from Netflix so maybe I will have a chance to watch it before tomorrow (another reason to consider skipping the screening tonight). Then again, Riddick is supposed to be a prequel, right, so I should survive not having seen the “first” film, no? Anyway, I have no positive expectations for this film, so I can only be correct or impressed. :)