
I finally have a beat to give an update… So, James is arriving today… He is visiting for the Moby concert, and his visit comes at a time where I could use a bit of relaxation.

Jerry has taken over leadership on the project I was working on for work. While on one hand I feel like I have failed, I now feel like my life has suddenly gotten happier… I didn’t hate work, I simply didn’t have enough time between sleep and class.


I got my Stevie Ray Vaughan CD’s today, and they are great… I also got my absentee ballot for the upcoming presidental election… I am really split on this one though… Not voting for Bush, but I don’t know if I want to vote for Gore…. Or do I want to vote for a 3rd party? Sigh…

Work is moving along, but I chased a evil bug for quite awhile today…. It’s kinda OK though, bugs happen, and finding them is kinda fun, even when they run you around for awhile…

pride and joy

I ordered some Stevie Ray Vaughan today…. A friend from high school turned me on to him many years ago, but I had never actually owned any of his albums. He sure could play…

So I got a phone call asking me to come out to California for an interview around Thanksgiving… Needless to say I am looking forward to going, and will be giddy with andicipation until then. :)

Work, work, work, work, work, crash, work, work..

making time in a low rent highrise….

Finishing up my deadline material for work, which is going well. It kinda sucks that the majority of my free time during the week happens during the second half. It makes for some really rushed time. :)

I got both my Skinny Puppy “Track 10” limited edition today (197/400) and my “Too Dark Park” tour poster. It is cool, but I am going to have to leave the poster unframed until I move…

No matter how much technology you add, laundry still sucks

Woke up early this morning to take care of a load or two of laundry. This weekend was super-fly, with the CSH Welcome-Back party and all. Friday night I went to Nick’s for the first time. Now, I had eaten Nick’s many, many, times in the past, but this was the first time that I actually ventured out there… It was amazing. :)

Every time I hear this song, I think of the Kids in the Hall. I wonder why? :)

Demented Forever

Cecil B. DeMented was wonderful. John Waters is definately getting back to what he is good at; this movie is a funny, tasteless, and everything else that makes classic John Waters wonderful.

Tomorrow the Family Truckster takes on the 5 hour trip up to Rochester. It’s been nice visiting home, and I definately enjoy the relaxation, but it will be nice to get this moving done with and work on doing the same with classes.

I picked up the Naked City album “Heretic: Jeux Des Dames Cruelles” at Other Music when I was in the city yesterday. I tried to listen to it when I was going to bed last night, but it wasn’t very conducive to that. I will give it a listen soon and let you know what I think.

My Roommate, Jon Parise is visiting briefly today. He’s neat.

Music Review: Secret Chiefs 3 “First Grand Constitution and Bylaws”

Ok, I admit it… I am addicted to Mr. Bungle… One of the great things about Mr. Bungle is that the music generated by the band is not only interesting and diverse, but the band members are involved in many different side projects that cover a large spectrum of musical styles. The most visible member of Mr. Bungle, lead singer Mike Patton, has involved himself in many projects. Fortunately, the other members of Bungle have done so as well. This review is of a release from one of those side projects, the Secret Chiefs 3.

Secret Chiefs 3 is a project headed up by Bungle guitarist Trey Spruance, and also featuring Bar McKinnon, Trevor Dunn, and Danny Heifetz. While you can still see some Bungle poke through, this album definately stands on its own. While it has a strong middle-eastern influence (witness Track 2), the album still manages to straddle many fences; There are obviously many different influences (Film Scores, Pop, and Metal, to name a few).

The disc I purchased was a reissue of the original disc, which was released on Amarillo (which went out of business). The reissue is on Mimicry Records, which is the record label owned by Trey. I actually ordered two of their discs when they were reissued, and have been happy with both. Much like the work of Bungle proper, this album keeps my ears and mind interested most of the time, which is saying alot in todays barren wasteland of pre-fab pop. I strongly suggest that if you appreciate eclectic music, or are simply willing to experiment, to check out the band. If you like what you hear, go support an independent artist…

They Came from New Jersey

My parents visited today, and it was great to see them, It’s been far too long…

Other than that, nothing too exciting, i’m tired. Might go climbing with Sean & Kelly tomorrow, but I don’t know when they are going yet… RockVentures closes at 6, and I don’t quite know when the ‘rents are leaving, so…

Music is the amoeba that fills any void in my life, and right now I sure am digging on the Secret Chiefs 3 CDs I recently acquired. The good-fellow James Izzo (aka Thread) sent me an advance of his new CD “Abnormal Love”, and it is as good as I expected. James’ power supply recently exploded (literally), and luckily it didn’t take any of the other equipment inside his computer (or outside, for that matter).