I took my last final (months ago)!!!!!
I took my last final (months ago)!!!!!
I saw a bumper sticker which read “Press Women Make Headlines” this morning, and all I could think of was a picture of women being fed into a wooden barrel wine press, clawing to get out, on the front page of the New York Times.
Good morning. =)
On my way into work this morning there was a guy at the train station dressed in a Cow costume begging for money. It was one of the most surreal moments in my life.
I have a sore throat, and I contemplated calling out today. We will see how far I make it today.
During the rectification of the Vuldronaii, it chose the form of a large and moving Torb.
During the third reconciliation of the last of the Meketrex Supplicants, it chose the form of a giant Sloar.
Nothing is better than getting your finger chomped off while using public transportation.
This is some classy shit.
There are two funny stories in this newsletter for the The College of New Jersey.
First, the fuzz put a boot on this kid’s car. The guy drives off campus, with the boot on his wheel, gets to a parking lot, and changes his tire. I like the way this guy thinks… :)
Second, an employee of the college reports her office keys stolen, and this stupid newsletter publishes the room number and location. So if you have the keys, now feel free to walk into her office and take what you please.
Ok, this is just too funny to pass up: