I stared an entry in the CSH Wiki for Fucked Up Movie Night..  People might be surprised to find out that The Committee actually kept records of what it has shown..  I decided to make these records public on the Wiki (of course, by “public” I mean “available only to CSH members until the Wiki is made public”).

I wanted to get this down before I forgot, so it is a little rough…  It needs IMDB links for all the movies, as well as some polish…  I’d like to see all the dates (or at least the quarter/year) for each of the 13 FUMNs, but that will require alot of segfault digging.


Today’s Astronomy Picture of the Day is of SOFIA’s Mirror!

I’m back in Boston, finally….  This trip to Dallas was much better than the last, and we were actually able to do lots of work…  It still wasn’t as productive as it could have been, but it was pretty good…  Got some overtime this week, which is always a good thing! 

Let Evel Knievel Get ON The Plane!

I never mentioned it here but I am in Dallas again this week to finish the work we weren’t able to do last time here (because the “receiving” company wasn’t ready for us). Left Boston around 2pm and arrived here in Dallas close to 8pm. It’s just Garrett and I again, but this time *I* got the rental car! And lent me an old laptop so I can use the hotel’s wireless and check mail and play poker on my downtime.

One of the reasons I didn’t mention this trip in my journal is because I was totally sick all weekend. I stayed in all day Saturday, and Sunday I stayed in until 5pm when I met Flip and Corinna (and a bunch of other SNFC’ers) to see “Team America: World Police”. Holy shit was that movie fantastic. The theme song makes me laugh whenever I think of it.

Every time I fly I want to listen to this George Carlin routine. I’m streaming it right now, have to remember to have it on the iPod for the times I need it.

Joke Purloined from William Gibson

President Bush goes to an elementary school to talk about the war.

After his talk, he offers to answer questions. One little boy puts up his hand and the president asks him his name.

“I’m Billy, sir.”

“And what’s your question, Billy?”

“I have three questions, sir. Why did the US invade Iraq without the support of the UN? Why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? And whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?”

Just then the bell rings for recess. Bush announces that they’ll continue after recess.

When they return, Bush asks, “OK, where were we? Question time! Who has a question?”

Another little boy raises his hand. The president asks his name.

“I’m Steve, sir.”

“And what’s your question, Steve?”

“I have five questions, sir. Why did the US invade Iraq without the support of the UN? Why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? Whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden? Why did the recess bell go off twenty minutes early? And what the heck happened to Billy?”

So this is what it comes to

ResLife has turned itself from a harrasing nag who constantly changes it’s mind and does it’s best to undermine CSH to an oppressive dictator who’s flick of the wrist has house members self-censoring all members at a moment’s notice. Of course, ResLife isn’t completely to blame; this self-censorship comes from the hands of a handful of members who don’t even have the authority to do what they did.. Power trip anyone?

I don’t even understand the rational behind this drastic step. Nowhere in the language of the ResLife edict in question does it say that CSH will be spaced if any questionable content is found. It said that network access will be removed if it is found until time that said content is removed. What CSH should be doing is working with ResLife to amend this policy to be a bit more reasonable (i.e. “ResLife will notify CSH when questionable content is found, and will have X hours to remove this content before ITS is asked to suspend CSH’s network access”, as well as a clause to allow the appeal of the removal, even if the site in question remains down during the appeal). CSH has had ResLife bitch at it many times before over questionable content, and each time we have lost. Each time ResLife has found questionable content, they have ordered us to take it down, we have, and then we had a hearing. This procedure has worked over and over again, and it will continue to work in the future. CSH shouldn’t have the illusion that it has a right to free speech; It is using a private network provided by a private institution (of which CSH is a “wholly-owned subsidary”). But to me, this kneejerk response by two house members, exceeding their authority, is almost as obscene as ResLife’s edict.