The Movies I Saw in 2018

I totaled 151 movies this year, but ‘only’ 132 features which was a tick down from the past few years. To be honest, Corinna and I binged all of the Star Wars films (except for Rogue One) within a few days at the end of the year, so that definitely goosed the stats up.

If you are interested in the technical guts of these graphs, look here.

The graphs, as well as the list itself, are behind the jump below…

  • Total # of movies:
  • Total # of features:
  • Total # of shorts:

I saw more movies in the theatre this year; What is traditionally closer to 40% ticked up to 49%.

I never got to many of those new theatres in the area, and some of the ones that I expected to open (Arclight, Watertown, etc) are still pending.

Maybe it’s a trend that I’m rewatching movies less frequently.

The genre breakdown is pretty typical, with Docs being the largest at mid-20%

Pretty typical distribution for me, with a hearty spike in April due to IFFBoston.

That’s it for the graphs, below is the raw list of movies. If you hover your mouse over the title of a film you should get a brief review from me in the tooltip. (Titles in italics are repeat viewings.)

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