Check your Address Book

I just turned off my email address, as it had just turned into a spam pit…  My extensive email archive tells me that only two people have ever used it to contact me, and both of those now know my real address…

If you need my email address, just leave a comment to any post and I’ll receive it..  Even if you don’t have an LJ account, leave an anonymous comment, and I’ll be notified to approve it…

5 thoughts on “Check your Address Book

      1. Yeah, it seems to have definitely fixed the bug I was seeing! Thanks for taking care of this!

        I did have one TINY bug:

        I had a userpic named :-/ which caused an exception when ljdump tried to create the file (path wasn’t escaped)… I just renamed the userpic to work around it…

        I also had a friend who mentioned something about ljdump handling Unicode improperly, but I don’t have any details… It could simply be an LJ API limitation…

        I’m trying to decide whether to try and modify ljdump to create larger aggregated xml files (instead of one per entry/comment) or modify the wordpress importer to be able to recurse a directory so it can handle the “ljdump-style” archive…

    1. Cool, i had been hacking on it a little bit, but it’d be much nicer to grab the source from git as opposed to dealing with the tarball… If I have anything patch-worthy, I’ll let you know…


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