Almost time for bed

Today was pretty productive, especially for being the toughest day of the week for me… I talked to the folks, I faxed that stuff, I talked to Chris, I worked on AliveJournal, I went to my classes, and I watched Junkyard Wars. I am pretty tired, however, and I don’t want to go to long tonight given my twisted sleep schedule this weekend….

Progressively feeling better…

After a kinda rough nights sleep, I am starting to feel a little better. After dealing with a few annoying things today, I just have my stupid Chem lab report to do… Not to be cocky, but I got a 99% on the last one, and I glided that one, so…

House meeting in a little while, then probably some Sopranos, the second season reruns start tonight.

I guess that pretty much wraps up this weekend… I had a good time, especially at Lindsay’s last night. I’m looking forward to the College Bowl next weekend.

Open the pod bay doors, HAL

Wow…. Another year gone by… And more importantly, the last day on my “Pop-up Video” Day-by-Day Calendar that My Roommate, Jon Parise gave me last Christmas.

I think I remotely finished up my work on Drink for this break… I made quite a few improvements to it overall, allowing multiple client connections at a time, wrote a dirt-simple logging server so we can keep track of what’s going on, tested the latest beta TINI OS (which is way more stable). I am looking forward to getting back and hooking it up to the machine (but that’s the ONLY thing I am looking forward to back there).

Finished up the First season of the Sopranos last night, and I watched an Interview of the series creator that was on the last disc… It was 1:15h long! It was a pretty good interview though…

Chuck called me this morning, we are going to go get him another DVD or so after he runs some errands… He finally has the ability to play DVDs, and he only has one… He is thinking about Willy Wonka, which I think is a great idea… :P


I have been fighting a little cold since the first time I visited Chris’ house, I think I caught it from her mother… Nothing bad, but the phlegm factor is a little annoying today..

Yesterday, I spent alot of the day catching up on the First Season of The Sopranos. I got the DVD Box Set for Christmas, and it is beautiful (especially in Widescreen)…. I watched the first 8 episodes yesterday, and I hope to finish the remaining 5 before I leave.

I am supposed to meet up with an old friend who I haven’t seen in years today, since well-before I left for RIT… Should be fun..

Doing work.

Well, schoolwork finally caught up with me, and I spent most of the morning putting the finishing touches on a paper for Senior Seminar. After class this evening, I am going to spend some time studying for a Calc 3 quiz tomorrow, and then I am going to watch the 3 new episodes of Junkyard Wars that will premiere this evening.

CSH will be doing to systems maintenance and upgrading over the next few days, so if you have to read my journal, you can find it at You won’t get any of the other stuff on my page there, but you will get the journal stuff…. Of course, if you are that concerned with my life, perhaps you should go check your head. :P

Gravity holds galaxies together…..

…..but 8am class rips my head apart…. :) Jetlag and this new schedule are working in concert to really make my life complicated right now. :) I assume that once my body readjusts to the timezone, and my mind adjusts to waking up at 7am instead of noon, things should get better.

It’s early in the quarter, so I am still in that “not much to do” state of mind…. I am going to leverage this to my advantage and do some Calculus this weekend… Man, I really wish I had a professor who spoke english. :) My classes this quarter don’t seem too bad so-far, but I guess that it is still a bit early to pass judgement.

In theory, Jon and I are headed back to Imaging Science around 12:30pm for another round of Junkyard Wars on the big screen. Unfortunately, right now I am less than motivated to do anything… :)

I am also going to try and wrap up my work on phase 1 of Drink (which means getting it back to the classic Drink functionality, dropping drinks over the network when asked to). It turns out that the TINI board does not support either ObjectOutputStream or ObjectInputStream. Of course, I would have known this had I just paid attention to the TINI API Differences. While the TINI API supports almost all of Java 1.1, there are a few differences. Fortunately, I was only using serialization in a handful of places, so I just have to hack out a different solution. I used Serialization because it was easy, not because it was necessary. :P

Here? Again???

Let me make a few things clear…. First of all, it is odd to recognize that one day you walk to the store down the street in shorts, and the next day you are dreaming of warm clothes as you wait for your ride from the airport…. Second, I have come to the realization that the human mind simply does not deal well with travelling long distances in short times.

I arrived in Rochester last night, and was ferried to RIT by My Roommate, Jon Parise. I spent most of last night unpacking and trying to force myself back to an East Coast schedule. I finally fell asleep around 2am, and woke up at 7:30am for my Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry class at 8am. That class is interesting, go over to the page and check out the grading policy… I don’t think it will be to difficult to pass the course. :) Which is good, because that means I have more time to devote to Calculus (again).

Jon and I are heading over to Imaging Science for a little lunchtime showing of Junkyard Wars in the Carlson Learning Center. Word has it that that Bryce will either be showing the “Gliders” or the “Cannons” episode, either of which rock (but “Cannons” by far wins in a vs. match.. :P)