A whole lotta nuttin….

Well, I didn’t do much today…. I helped my mom out with various stuff, and that’s about it… I waited around for quite awhile tonight for Chuck and John to come over, but I guess they ended up being too busy with their (John’s) Christmas shopping…

Chris had asked me to come over today, but I told her I couldn’t cuz they were coming over, and now I feel dumb. :) I will probably hang out with Chris tomorrow, so we can exchange gifts and stuff…


I’m back….. It was a long ordeal, and Ryan and I managed to lose Jon around Scranton (or, rather, he lost us), but we made it to my house with no problems.. We waited at the Rockaway mall for awhile for Ryan’s sister to show up to take him away to Westphal land, but she eventually showed, and all is good.

I can say I am already 1000x happier being home, and I have barely settled in yet… :)

The power of Hot Mulled Cider compels you…

This was 10% of my exam:

Calculate pH given [H+] = 9.25

Now, this might require some work, but the professor was kind enough to give the following formula on the front page of the test:

pH = -log[H+]

Now…. Come on… You are gonna give me 10 points for manipulating a logarithm?!?!? Well, I am not complaing, I am just baffled… :)

Now I am just-about all packed up for my trip home tomorrow. I have an ample supply of clothes, movies, and computer gear to keep me busy over break. :) I am back to using my old mouse so I could pack my new one away. All I have left to grab is my computer tomorrow, and I should be set.

Hey Ladies….

Ok, I had lots of cash leftover from my trip to CA (well, not LOTS, but lots), so I went to the bank to ditch as much of it as possible into the bank before I pissed it away… I managed to piss away a bit of it though…. I bought the Beastie Boys Video Anthology done up all sweet-like by those crazy folks over at the Criterion Collection. The videos look rad, and all the sound mixes are available in Dolby 5.1 as well as the original 2.0 mixes… :)

I have heard that this disc is chock-full o’ features, like multi-angles and such, so it should keep me busy during my downtimes..

Here? Again???

Let me make a few things clear…. First of all, it is odd to recognize that one day you walk to the store down the street in shorts, and the next day you are dreaming of warm clothes as you wait for your ride from the airport…. Second, I have come to the realization that the human mind simply does not deal well with travelling long distances in short times.

I arrived in Rochester last night, and was ferried to RIT by My Roommate, Jon Parise. I spent most of last night unpacking and trying to force myself back to an East Coast schedule. I finally fell asleep around 2am, and woke up at 7:30am for my Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry class at 8am. That class is interesting, go over to the page and check out the grading policy… I don’t think it will be to difficult to pass the course. :) Which is good, because that means I have more time to devote to Calculus (again).

Jon and I are heading over to Imaging Science for a little lunchtime showing of Junkyard Wars in the Carlson Learning Center. Word has it that that Bryce will either be showing the “Gliders” or the “Cannons” episode, either of which rock (but “Cannons” by far wins in a vs. match.. :P)


I stayed in the Mountain View Inn Best Western last night, which was crazy-nice. It had better be for $185 a night!!!!! Holy crap that is one expensive hotel. :)

Well, so my interview at “unnamed company” went rather well. As with the phone interview, there were a number of questions I had difficulty with, but this time around, the number I could answer was much greater. :P

I had to sign an NDA, which is (on one hand) cool, since I got to hear about some really cool things that I wouldn’t have heard otherwise, but OTOH, it is scary how much I am owned by various companies. :)

I took Caltrain back from the interview to Chris’ apartment, and I am currently awaiting her arrival from work. :) It was about a 40 minute train ride from “unnamed company” to here, and it was a 15 minute walk from the station to the apartment which is cool. While the public transportation here isn’t QUITE up to NYC standards, it is damn-fine.

In other out-of-order news, I met up with Kate yesterday for some pizza in downtown San Jose. It was great to see her, and to also see San Jose in the light (last time Chris and I went there, it was quite dark). It was great seeing Kate again, and if I do end up out here, we will probably hang out frequently.


Ok, this is kinda weird. Chris had to go into work early today, so I am just here chilling in her apartment. I figured I can use this time to brush up on various topics for my interview tomorrow. I also might get together with Kate today if time permits.

Anyway, so Chris left for work today, and I was here, and I kinda realized that she has already made the transition into the “Real World”, and that I am just a few weeks from doing that myself. Wow… This is kinda freaky.

She made din-din for me last night, and it all came out great! I also had to take her car to the store to fetch some gravy (since we forgot it), and it was a pretty fun car to drive. First time I had ever driven a Saturn, so..

Other than that, it should be a pretty laid-back day… I have a cut in my mouth, which is pretty bad, I must have bit down hard during a dream or something. Whatever caused it, it sucks alot. :(

The Earl

Ok. I understand that you can put just about anything between two slices of bread and call it a ‘sandwich’, but I am of the opinion that you should be able consume the entire thing without it falling apart into a slimy mess.

The interview nervousness is starting to set in. :)