A whole lotta nuttin….

Well, I didn’t do much today…. I helped my mom out with various stuff, and that’s about it… I waited around for quite awhile tonight for Chuck and John to come over, but I guess they ended up being too busy with their (John’s) Christmas shopping…

Chris had asked me to come over today, but I told her I couldn’t cuz they were coming over, and now I feel dumb. :) I will probably hang out with Chris tomorrow, so we can exchange gifts and stuff…

Shopping fun in Ledgewood!

As planned, Chris came over around 5pm this evening, and we headed out to Ledgewood so she could do the Christmas shopping for her folks. We looked around in the Ledgewood mall, and we weren’t satisfied with the selection. We decided to head over to a few stores in the Roxbury mall (which is like 1000 yards away), but first we grabbed some dinner at Ruby Tuesday’s. I had only been there once before, and the meal was pretty good, but my usual stomache problems soon surfaced…. I should get that checked out some time….

We then headed over to the other mall, and she got everything that she needed, which was good. We came back to my house around 9:30pm, and she helped decorate the tree with my family… Lotsa fun, I haven’t really had a chance to do that since I left for RIT (as far as I can remember, at least)….

I wish I had the opportunity to spend more time with her…. We always have lots of fun, and even though we have had our disagreements and problems in the past, she still means alot to me… I look forward to spending more time with her over this break (even though she has a pretty packed schedule).

nighty night…. :P


I’m back….. It was a long ordeal, and Ryan and I managed to lose Jon around Scranton (or, rather, he lost us), but we made it to my house with no problems.. We waited at the Rockaway mall for awhile for Ryan’s sister to show up to take him away to Westphal land, but she eventually showed, and all is good.

I can say I am already 1000x happier being home, and I have barely settled in yet… :)

The power of Hot Mulled Cider compels you…

This was 10% of my exam:

Calculate pH given [H+] = 9.25

Now, this might require some work, but the professor was kind enough to give the following formula on the front page of the test:

pH = -log[H+]

Now…. Come on… You are gonna give me 10 points for manipulating a logarithm?!?!? Well, I am not complaing, I am just baffled… :)

Now I am just-about all packed up for my trip home tomorrow. I have an ample supply of clothes, movies, and computer gear to keep me busy over break. :) I am back to using my old mouse so I could pack my new one away. All I have left to grab is my computer tomorrow, and I should be set.

Don’t get the creole mustard….

Chuck and I went to T.G.I. Friday’s for lunch earlier, and afterwards we stopped by CD Express, a used CD shop I used to frequent when I spent more time in NJ. Man, I haven’t been there in a long time, and they definately began to suck at some point during that time…. They only had a single CD I would even think about buying, and I just said forget it… :)

Might be hanging out with James later tonight, possibly heading down to Cafe Soundz in Montclair… The new Download album was released today, and some of the previews I have heard reminded me of their album Furnace, which has been their best (and their first :P)… Hopefully I won’t be let down… :)


Yeah, being home is fun…. I have been chilling with the family, which is cool. My youngest sister Aimee doesn’t return from school until Tuesday, but Larissa is home…. Everyone has a decent amount of time off this weekend, so…

I hacked more on the new server for drink today…. I had some ideas in the car (some inspired by Jon) that I implemented earlier today. Originally my code had it’s own authentication database, but now I authenticate against the house’s db. Only the account balances are kept in the server’s own db now, and once the RTP’s get LDAP kicking on the house’s machines, I can get rid of that too.

Demented Forever

Cecil B. DeMented was wonderful. John Waters is definately getting back to what he is good at; this movie is a funny, tasteless, and everything else that makes classic John Waters wonderful.

Tomorrow the Family Truckster takes on the 5 hour trip up to Rochester. It’s been nice visiting home, and I definately enjoy the relaxation, but it will be nice to get this moving done with and work on doing the same with classes.

I picked up the Naked City album “Heretic: Jeux Des Dames Cruelles” at Other Music when I was in the city yesterday. I tried to listen to it when I was going to bed last night, but it wasn’t very conducive to that. I will give it a listen soon and let you know what I think.

My Roommate, Jon Parise is visiting briefly today. He’s neat.