Roland Lives

Apparently I didn’t get the memo (or i forgot), but there was a Touch & Go Records 25th Anniversary Celebration in Chicago a few months ago.

Big Black played.  For the first time in like 20 years (afaik).

Fortunately, I just discovered this guy who, in addition to running a great boston music almanac, has pretty great mp3s covering the entire T&G block party…    Enjoy.

Weird Al keeps knocking them out of the park

I saw this little nugget buried toward the end of an article on Al over at Idolator.

And really, how can you not root for someone who sees the blinding absurdity in R. Kelly’s serial song poem “Trapped in the Closet”–and raises it by turning it into an 11-minute song about two people going to the drive-thru for some burgers? We can’t wait to see the video for that one.

For the best send-up of “Trapped in the Closet” ever, check the MP3 link at the bottom of that article.

I’m going back to boston, to boston, to boston

Around 2pm today I am going to leave for yet another trip to Boston, this time searching for an apartment. I tried to call some of these places yesterday, but all of them were closed for “Patriot’s Day”, which is a holiday that is only celebrated in New England, apparently (I don’t care, I will get it off next year. :P). So I have to make some calls today and set up some appointments tomorrow to look at places. I found a few that I am interested in, but I have to see if they are available now and if they are truly as cool as they looked in phosphor.

I am charging up my MP3 player’s batteries for the trip, and doing some laundry so I don’t have to be a dirtball while I am crashing at Adam and Rory’s. :)

Things are good also I hear

Back from Boston now, and while was dead-on-balls about the terrible roads, it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I guess alot of it had to do with the fact that I didn’t spend much time in Boston proper… The place I was interviewing at was right next to Fenway Park (Spitting distance)….

The company seemed cool, and very small (25 employees, including execs) which is definately a bonus. I would get to work with some friends, and the work definately wouldn’t be boring (getting to work with a favorite open-source project on an intimate basis). But the big question is will they deliver the benjamin’s… I would consider the job if they will line me properly..

My MP3 player rocked on the trip too; it is nice not having to futz with cd’s or deal with the radio for the entire trip, and it ran off batteries the whole time, charging it overnight each night.

I will be more substantial later, but my brain is mush right now.


My Parents gave me an Archos Jukebox 6000 Portable MP3 Player! It is a 6GB MP3 Player and USB Hard Disk. Unlike many portable MP3 players, you can copy onto and off of this device without limitations. It seems to work great, and the installation was a cinch (jack in the USB cable, show it the drivers, and voila: new drive letter). Another cool thing about it is that you don’t have to use special software to put MP3s on it. It shows up as another drive on your system and you just use Explorer like you would any other drive. It took me about 3 minutes to copy over an album or so of music, so it is fairly fast given it is a USB device…. So far I like it more than the other similar devices I have seen: Namely the Personal Jukebox or Creative’s Nomad Jukebox. The PJB is awesome, has a huge screen, but it expensive, and the Nomad just seems thrown together (just ask soco :). Neither of those devices suck, but I think that the Archos unit is definately the best bang for your buck.


I will not buy this record, it is scratched

Made a George Carlin MP3 CD while I was in the shower this morning, but it doesn’t seem to function. The MP3’s ‘skip’ in my Genica, but I am not sure if the fault lies with the MP3’s or the CD. I will have to figure it out when I get home.

I am kinda looking forward to school starting up again, as I am definately looking forward to “Operating Systems 2”. There is so much I need to know about Operating System design, and I am hoping that this class will really help me out. It is being taught by Jim Vallino, who I have had in the past for CS4. He was a good professor then, so I hope that carries through to this class (which I believe he designed the curriculum for).

I am also looking forward to seeing some CSH people, but there are others I wish I didn’t have to see. I hate social politics….

Stubb a Dub

Today I spent alot of time over at CSH meeting incoming freshman who are moving on floor in the fall… The ones I met seemed pretty cool, but I only met a small subset. I always love meeting the freshmen and learning their various personality quirks, etc.

I got my Portable MP3/CD Player today. While the UI is a bit cumbersome, it is finally great to be able to listen to MP3’s on the road, and the ability to store 10 albums on one CD can’t be beat…. It even supports CD-RWs!