Catching up…

Sorry I haven’t updated very profoundly the past few days…. Soco has been visiting, and since he is moving to Austria in a month, I am trying to make the most of it… :P After Transformers last night, we came back to floor and then went to Nick’s for some Garbage Plates…. :)

Soco and I stayed up until 7:30a in the User Center with a rotating list of house members bullshitting about OSes and how shitty Linux was… We talked about another OS (think canada), and his dismal experiences trying to make the piece of trash be useful…

Today, a bunch of us are headed to Conlon’s for a Super Bowl shindig… I will be able to watch the football, but I am going more to chill with the others going… Unfortunately, Soco will probably be leaving in a little bit, so he won’t be able to go… It has been alot of fun seeing him again, and hopefully I will be convinced to leave the country to go visit him… :P

Stupid tests… :)

Took the first of two exams this morning, and did average on it… A few of the questions were out there, but there were also quite a few that I knew. This guy is really good with partial credit and the like, so I probably did better than I think. :)

I overcommitted myself tonight… After my second exam I have to come back and prepare for an “Intro to BeOS Programming” seminar at CSH that I scheduled a few weeks ago. It is at 8pm, so I might even have time to grab a bit of dinner. I have taught this one twice before, though, so it shouldn’t be too bad.

Damned Steam Pipe

We had a fire alarm about an hour ago, it turns out it was semi-legit this time around. A steam pipe burst in the tunnels, which caused someone to pull the alarms in two buildings. Supposedly we won’t have hot water until some time tomorrow, but I haven’t tried it yet.

I am talking to Chris on the phone now.. She is flexing the ability of her new-found TACness.

Everything’s just a little broken

You can re-release it, you can remix it, but when it comes down to it, bad music is still bad.

It seems that the Sprite slot on the Drink machine sticks and dumps its entire contents out from time to time. Bill and I (the software guys) believe this is a hardware (either mechanical or electronic) problem, and of course, the hardware guys think otherwise. :) The one thing we have going for us is that it is the same slot every time, and all the other slots work fine…

I am fairly certain that the changes I made to the LJ client last night work, but one person replied in the support area saying they still had problems…. I guess I will have to wait and see.

Smelly, Hairy, and Pissed Off

Ok, Today is a bothersome chore day. I planned on doing laundry this morning, so I did soon after I arose from my coma-like slumber. Upon returning to the newly-reopened “Sol He-Man Laundry Room”, I noticed that one of the brand new (in operation for 3 days) dryers completely failed to dry my clothes. Which means I have to sit around for another hour. :P Fortunately, the other dryer accomplished its mission, so I will finally execute my plans to take a shower now that I have some underwear to throw on.

I have a 3pm appointment to get a haircut at the place on campus. I have only gone there a few times, and they have never done a poor job (but not great either). The main chick that works there is Monica Lewinsky’s Doppelganger, which is always lends a bit of humor to the overall haircut chore.

I spent a little while last night setting up the Drink Perforce Repository now that we finally received our license from them. The source is now publically readable and browsable; More information is available here.

It’s friday, i’m in Rochester

Went to my morning class today, in the snow, and let me tell you, it was well worth it. That class is like novocaine for your mind. Jon is still in bed; I have been trying to be quiet as to let him rest as best as he can, but I am sure that I have unsettled him.. Not much I can do about that…

I have been working on a python module for interacting with drink. Part of reason is that Jon hasn’t been able to get PHP to do sockets right under Solaris (I don’t think it is a high priority for him), and I want a web client for Drink. The other reason is because I wanted to learn the language beyond my fundamental understanding that I had gleaned from seminars at CSH. It is a neat language, and far better than perl, but I don’t see myself using it for some of the more wack uses (like GUI programming).

Open the pod bay doors, HAL

Wow…. Another year gone by… And more importantly, the last day on my “Pop-up Video” Day-by-Day Calendar that My Roommate, Jon Parise gave me last Christmas.

I think I remotely finished up my work on Drink for this break… I made quite a few improvements to it overall, allowing multiple client connections at a time, wrote a dirt-simple logging server so we can keep track of what’s going on, tested the latest beta TINI OS (which is way more stable). I am looking forward to getting back and hooking it up to the machine (but that’s the ONLY thing I am looking forward to back there).

Finished up the First season of the Sopranos last night, and I watched an Interview of the series creator that was on the last disc… It was 1:15h long! It was a pretty good interview though…

Chuck called me this morning, we are going to go get him another DVD or so after he runs some errands… He finally has the ability to play DVDs, and he only has one… He is thinking about Willy Wonka, which I think is a great idea… :P

Not gonna phone it in tonight…

Today was very productive for me…. I acquired a hub and some 10Base-T so I could start hacking on my TINI, and I did so. I upgraded the TINI OS to 1.02b3 (we are only using 1.01 in drink right now) for testing, and I had to hack the drink source to work on it, since there were some API changes. This version of the OS allegedely addressed the “Telnet Server dying randomly” bug, which will be a major benefit to drink. I fixed another bug in drink earlier tonight regarding refunds if the drop fails, and I am thinking of hacking on multiple client threads for the SundayServer if I really have lots of energy in a few minutes.. :)

After dinner, I headed over to Chris’ place to see her one last time before she returns to CA tomorrow morning…. It really bums me out that we are so seperated these days.. It really depresses me. You never really know how much someone means to you until they are gone. Chris isn’t exactly gone from my life, but I only get to see her every few months, it is really upsetting… She is probably my best friend, and I wish I could spend time with her without feeling that the clock is ticking…. Maybe after graduation..

Ok, now off to possibly work on drink, but maybe to just call it a night and crash… We will see how I feel when I reach my bedroom. :P