The Movies I Saw in 2021

I think we all hoped 2021 would improve upon 2020, and to a certain degree
it did, but not to the level I think we all hoped.

I did see more movies in 2021 versus 2020, my feature count ticked way up to
121 from 97. This is still behind my normal pace from the before times, but
I was able to muster more attention this year. 121 seems like a pretty
solid number despite the rare theatre experience this year. Hopefully
IFFBoston’s spring festival and the film club can return to something more
normal in 2022.

If you are interested in the technical guts of these graphs, look here.

The graphs, as well as the list itself, are behind the jump below…

  • Total # of movies:
  • Total # of features:
  • Total # of shorts:

Not really a surprise that I didn’t see much in a theatre this year….

I leaned pretty hard into comfort-viewing, especially towards the end of the
year.. Still saw a surprising of first timers…

The genre breakdown is pretty typical, though docs at 30% is high.

Pretty typical distribution for me, tho IFFBoston’s (virtual) festival was in
May this year.

That’s it for the graphs, below is the raw list of movies. If you hover your mouse over the title of a film you should get a brief review from me in the tooltip. (Titles in italics are repeat viewings.)

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