Pure Sillyness

% w
10:50  up 52 days, 19:11,  39 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.62, 0.69
User     tty        from             login@    idle   JCPU   PCPU what
phyber   qe         unitedtech-bh.ca 15:52    3days      1        alphapurist!
phyber   r2         unitedtech-bh.ca 10:09       40               ciscopurist!
grahams  pd         burn.isc.rit.edu 09:08        1   1:58      1 bowiepurist!
pat      q1         callisto.ext.eas 13:39    3days     39      2 omegapurist!
elph     q2         grace.isc.rit.ed 09:19     1:24      6        antipurist!
jerry    q4         threepwood.cis.r 11:18              24        amigapurist!
elph     q6         aln-64-64.jmb.ba 09:27     1:23      1        yottapurist!
riffraff q8         dns.midcoast.com 09:27     1:11      4        ataripurist!
elph     r3         grace.isc.rit.ed 10:10       37      1        geekpurist!
elph     r4         aln-64-64.jmb.ba 10:24       26      1        digipurist!
pat      q1         callisto.ext.eas 13:39     1:40     51      2 impurist!
riffraff q8         dns.midcoast.com 09:27       49      7        ataripurist!
grahams  r5         burn.isc.rit.edu 13:28       12               99.9%purist!
grahams  r5         burn.isc.rit.edu 13:28       14               nakedtourist!

5 thoughts on “Pure Sillyness

    1. No way… I didn’t join house until late 1997, but being that my source IP is burn.isc.rit.edu, so it must have been when I was working for ISC (cum ITS), so I’d guess somewhere during the period of March 1999 to March 2000 (when I came to work at CIS).

      The file date is Feb 14 2000, which doesn’t mean all that much, but provides an “end cap”

      1. Man, all the years blur together for me…. I suppose that I should have realized that you weren’t in your 7th year at RIT when you worked at CIS. But, alas…

        Most of the years blur together for me… but all of the years after I moved off-House have been lumped into the first year that I moved off-House.

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