Saw the doctor today, everything is looking good… He said that it is all healing straight, and while bone has filled all the gaps, it isn’t fully dense yet. But he put me on 25% weight bearing for the next two weeks, and then I progress to 50% weight bearing for another two weeks. After that, I see him again, and he said barring any surprises I will progress to 100% as tolerated from there.
Most importantly: I can drive.
So that’s the good news, I actually stopped by work today just to say hi, turn in my doctor’s note, and make sure I could make the drive without any leg issues, and all went well. Everyone was excited to see me, and I plan on going back tomorrow morning!
You’re almost human again. ;)
glad to know you are recovering… are you doing any work from home? or it is top secret?
No, everything I work on is classified, so I wasn’t able to work from home… Now that I can drive again, I’m able to come back to the office, so I started working again yesterday… :)