Poker last night, with the guys from work, was fun. My 3rd hand I more than doubled up my 5 bucks with a 4 of a kind… I wish I could say it was magical play or something, but you simply don’t get a hand like that very often, and when you do it’s hard not to make money. I ended the night up 6 bucks (which is pretty good given my $5 buy-in). On the way home from Garrett’s I finally had the chance to go over the Zakim bridge, which is so, so nice. When I got back to the apartment and hung out with
Finishing stuff up at work today in preparation for the big trip tomorrow. Corinna and I are going to stop by a BPL branch tonight to see if we can find a good audiobook for the trip tomorrow… Otherwise I will probably just score one off of which is super-duper. The drive is going to suck, but whatever, the time in MI should be fun.
I recently listened to Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers off audible, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is one of the better books I have read recently.
Sounds neat, thanks for the heads up!