When cleaning the kitchen, my mom came across a Blockbuster gift card for $50. She said to use it because after a certain period of time it started to lose value. After 24 months from the date of purchase the card loses $2/month, and today I found out it was only worth $46, which means that the card has been poking around for several Christmases. :) In order to stem this bleeding of value
- High Fidelity
- Super Troopers
- Auto Focus
- Curb Your Enthusiasm – Season 1 – Disc 1
I also picked up the following used discs ultra-cheap:
I hadn’t seen any of the films we rented. So far we watched High Fidelity and Super Troopers. High Fidelity was pretty good, but the ending was kind of abrupt. Super Troopers I picked up after hearing a bunch of CSHers talk about it (I don’t remember who), but it ended up being a good, silly rental, but nothing spectacular. 28 Days Later was won of my favorite films of 2003, and House of 1000 Corpses was up there too.
- While it sucks being turned down for a real job like the one at Red Hat, I have to say that not even being acknowledged by the Video Stores, Liquor Stores, and Video Game Stores that I have applied for in/around Hopatcong is downright humiliating. I’m not sure if I can take any more of that nonsense.
- It’s awesome being up here, but I’d feel like more of a welch living here than I would with my parents. I guess if I had a job, even at Radio Shack, I would feel like less of a dickhead. Coco says I could stay here for free, but it just seems like that would be weird.
- I don’t even know how much Rat Shack pays, and if it would be enough to keep up with my bills and still feed myself.
- It would be rad to be up here with Corinna.
Since I have had absolutely no luck getting even the most menial job in Hopatcong, I guess I should apply at Radio Shack. We’ll see what they say. Garrett is supposedly getting me an interview at his work, but he’s been out of town on business so I haven’t heard back from him yet. Hopefully something will work out there. I’m just completely fucking tired of doing nothing all day and feeling like I am not producing anything worth a god-damn for the world. At least selling RCA jacks would be a bit better than watching the paint dry all day.
I’m sure some people reading this will have opinions on this one, so feel free to voice them (i’m definitely listening)…. :)
I see all your points… Here’s the thing about boston: you will spend more money here. No doubt. Just going out for food and such.
But you shoul still move out here, and take the crappy job. When you are not working at Rat Shack you can be hoofing across boston and cambridge hand-delievering resumes – provided you would have the dedication to do this (which i think you do).
I also think that it would make you feel better about you if you had a job, any job. It would for me.
Think of the awesome discount you’d get on Olympus audio equipment.
You rock. :)
I totally agree with adams comment. Take any job (well there should a bit of discrestion, Radio Shack is a fine place to work). It’ll get you back into the working mindset and expose you to a lot of people.
I have no concept of how Boston is layed out but there must be pockets of tech in the Boston area. Try getting a job at a place in the heart of one of these spots at a Radio Shack for example. Talking to customers, making friends w/ the regulars. Throw out that you’re looking for a programming job or tech related position. People knowing people.
In tough times it’s unfortunate that many jobs are had by knowing someone who knows someone. I wish merit were the sole factor for ones eployment status, you’d have a job pronto. If this were the case about 50% of govt. employees would be out on their asses (from what I’ve seen in the past few years of working w/ a govt. contractor).
High Fidelity is a damn good movie.
House of 1000 Corpses and 28 days later were good, but I liked House of 1000 Corpses better.
You forgot to mention that in lieu of rent you would be my slave. :)
I am not understanding how this differs from the normal arrangement???????//