Corinna had a server outage at her work, so she stopped by this afternoon for lunch. When she got an email saying that things were down for the rest of the day, I gave her a ride to the garden store over on Western, then Home Depot, and finally to her apartment. After that I came home and did some laundry…. Tonight, I played some $2 No Limit Hold ‘Em with Adam and Rory and won the game. I invested alot of time and some money on a strategy against Adam that really paid off in the end… I might be getting my footing in that game.
Rory and I revived our “trip to 7-Eleven, snack, watch Cops” thing which we haven’t done much of lately… I realized tonight that I have a serious conflict of things going on next weekend, but I think I figured out a strategy to resolve the conflict….
must be nice to be the one who gets to leave then the servers go down :)