My Ass is on Fire

Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile, I have been pretty busy. Saw Sweet Sixteen on sunday with the Film Club. Corinna bailed this week as she was under the weather. I don’t even remember what I did on Monday. I gave Corinna a lift to Jordan’s furniture on Tuesday so she could buy a couch. That night I was up really late. First, we played poker and I ended the night up $11, then we (Matt, Rory, and I) had a Soul Calibur 2 showdown which just happened to run until 4am. I’m a dork, but at least I am comfortable with this.

After that I went to bed, and layed there for 20 minutes before I ran to the bathroom ready to eject stuff from both ends, if you know what I mean. It was a bad scene, but I fortunately didn’t actually puke, instead dealing with dry heaves for a long while. Matt ended up staying the night on the couch, so today we hung out, it was cool…

That’s the short version, I’ll try to be less unreliable.

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