I attended the BMac meeting tonight to check it out and hopefully get a few questions answered… They were showing Steve Jobs’ keynote address, which was obscenely long but it was good to be able to check it out.. Met a few cool people there, but didn’t really get to talk to many people.. Got a few leads on some of my problems, but so far they aren’t panning out…
What problems do you have left? Kaijima (I think he added you to his friends list) has a Mac G4 cube and has been getting familiar with it, so might be able to help..
Main (a.k.a. most hate-inducing) problem:
7/10 times I start an application (either by clicking on a dock icon or double clicking on an icon in the finder) it bounces in the dock for 30-60 seconds before launching.. It doesn’t matter if the application is simple like Calc or System Prefs or complicated like iMovie. The strange thing is that i don’t remember noticing this while I was home in NJ with no network connection..
Hmm.. DNS problem? I’m sure you’re not stupid when it comes to networking, so I won’t go into the details.. That really seems kinda strange tho, since one would think that something as simple as Calc would need to DNS?!
I haven’t really seen that peticular problem on his Cube, but it’s got 512M of RAM.. You’re running OSX 10.2, right? If not, you should get it; email me for a good source, if you need it..
Also, if you have the classic environment running in the background, kill it; it allocates over 1G of vmem for itself..
Only other thing I could think of is the HD got damaged in a transport?
Hmm.. DNS problem? I’m sure you’re not stupid when it comes to networking, so I won’t go into the details.. That really seems kinda strange tho, since one would think that something as simple as Calc would need to DNS?!
Heheh, yeah, I thought of that… I was using DHCP for all that stuff, which was dispatching accurate information… I switched to a manual config today and while I thought at first it solved the problem I later noticed it cropping up again…
You’re running OSX 10.2, right? If not, you should get it; email me for a good source, if you need it..
Since I got the computer for free I bought 10.2 when I got it (as it didn’t come with OS X).
Also, if you have the classic environment running in the background, kill it; it allocates over 1G of vmem for itself..
I didn’t even have OS9 installed until today, so to answer your question, no.. =)
Only other thing I could think of is the HD got damaged in a transport?
While I understand what you are saying, I also find it hard to believe that the hard disk would be damaged in Boston, get magically repaired on the trip back to NJ, and magically broken again upon my return to Boston.. =)
Hrm.. I talked to a few other people with Mac’s, and one of them had the same problem, and a few others knew what I was talking about; at least among them, it seemed to be a disk fragmentation problem..
But other than that, I’m out of ideas.. I haven’t checked to see if there’s a built in defragger, or a version of Norton that works with OSX yet, so you might want to take a look..