So I kicked him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat

I just watched last night’s SNL… Glad to see that people are getting more comfortable being funny (witness Wednesday’s The Onion for proof)…. I also just wanted to point out that Tina Fey is a hottie. That is all.

Ok, not quite all… My back is all hosed right now… Must have been slaving away over a canning operation or something…

One thought on “So I kicked him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat

  1. I also just wanted to point out that Tina Fey is a hottie.

    And I thought I was the only one that noticed. I think it’s the hair and glasses that do it for me.

    That, and the fact that she’s responsible for turning around the quality of the show’s writing. I dig intelligent women. =)

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