Kick out the jams

I am in pain. I guess being a human shock-absorber for a jetski takes its toll on the human body. :)

I am writing this with the latest BeOS LiveJournal client. While it doesn’t support Mood/Music stuff yet, it is pretty rad otherwise. Looks much better than the prior client.

Stayed home from work today to crank on the presentation that we are dry-running on Friday. It’s coming along fairly well, but the trick is always to try and predict the questions people will ask… So I have been thinking alot about that. I am also fleshing out some of the design that was still up in the air… Hopefully it won’t completely be shot full of holes. :)

Postage will be paid by addressee

Got our itinerary for our flight out to SiVi in two weeks, and wouldn’t ya know it… We are flying United…. Yep, that’s right, the airline who’s employees are currently striking…

My roommate, Jon Parise just took off about an hour ago. I didn’t really get to give him a hearty goodbye, because he stopped by during our meeting, but I should be seeing him this weekend.

The garage said that they weren’t sure what was wrong with my car, but that they found a problem with the fan (it was working intermittently). I am taking it to the adirondacks this weekend, so I should know by monday if it is still hosed… Damn car…

This was a Pizza Hut, now it’s all covered with daisies

Found out I am officially returning to California on business the end of August. This is exciting, because:

  • I get to go to CA again
  • I get to spend a week at NASA
  • Jamba Juice

Apparently we are flying into San Francisco again, which kinda blows, because we are going to Mountain View, which is about as much of a hike as it was last time (to San Jose). I don’t quite know why we didn’t fly into SJC, but I can’t complain, I ain’t paying… :)

This is also awesome, because I am homeless that week; Now I only have to find a place to stash my stuff… :)

This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco….

Yesterday was a hyper-shitty day, some of you know why, others are left in mystery. Luckily, My Roommate, Jon Parise, is visiting to help distract me from all my worldly trouble. He sure is a card. (I always wanted to call someone a ‘card’ :P).

The internet connection was down today; a fiber-optic cut on Genesse Street. Working on XML DTD’s and parsers at work this week, hoping to have it all finished in the next few days, but I keep on revising the DTD, so until that settles down the work on the parser is annoying. :)

I’m a dork.

Unlike many things in life, video games are always there for you. :)

This weekend was pretty fun. As I said earlier, on friday Kelly came over to join us for the dinner I made (Sean was busy, and couldn’t come), which turned out awesome, if I say so myself. We all went to see X-Men, which was entertaining.

Adam cooked some wild steak on Saturday, and Kelly and Sean both joined us (Sean was doing a 24-hour experiment the night before, which is why he didn’t come over on Friday). They brought some kick-ass tiramisu for dessert, and we played some Trivial Pursuit. We then began playing Counter-Strike. Now, the past few times Sean and Kelly have come over, we have done this same ritual… They are hooked on Counter-Strike as much as everyone else in my household… We played for quite awhile, trading off computers inbetween maps. It would be cool to get another computer or two in the apartment so we wouldn’t have to trade off, but that would cost alot of coin.

Sunday morning, James made German Apple Pancakes, which were outstanding. I had never had anything like that before, and I have to say that for all the trumpeting James did about the dish, he lived up to his hype. :)

Today has been very slow, I feel like real crap (and have since I woke up). I just have a wicked headache and am pretty tired.. I feel terribly unproductive at work today, and there is another CSH orientation tonight…. Sigh, the burdens of being a man-about-town. :)
I really need to put my nose to the wheel at work this week, I feel like I am behind, even though I am probably fine… This summer has been bizarre…