If your children tell you they are going out to play, they could really be running guns for the Yakuza

Worked from home today and actually got some work done. It worked out really well, even if I did get stumped by a problem… I am still in the midst of figuring it out, which sucks, because I feel behind…

Ate steak and watched “The State” tonight…

2 thoughts on “If your children tell you they are going out to play, they could really be running guns for the Yakuza

  1. You really have done quite a lot, dude. don’t stress. I always feel behind.

    Remember, no matter how much you do, it’s still more than would have been done had you not done any of the stuff you have done or are going to do to be done with what you want to be done by the time you’re done.

    And, what channel is ‘the state’ on?

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