This is so hilarious… It’s almost as good as the stories of all D&D playing kids sacrificing animals or of all teenage girls having blowjob parties..
Adults are so out of touch with reality sometimes… (I read it on the INTERNET!)
This is so hilarious… It’s almost as good as the stories of all D&D playing kids sacrificing animals or of all teenage girls having blowjob parties..
Adults are so out of touch with reality sometimes… (I read it on the INTERNET!)
That is a dignified sheriff’s ballcap right there.
Dood, it wasn’t the D&D playing kids sacrificing animals in the 80s. It was the black t-shirt wearing heavy metal kids.
I know, my home town went through a satanism scare and thats what the nice man in the suit that town hired to talk about satanism told us.
Oh, see, in my hometown, D&D == satanism… So if you were playing D&D, you were raping babies and whatnot.. Metal kids were the antichrist as well… :P
Would someone explain parody to fucking Rod Farva?
“You self-mutilate your way to level 7 and gain 2″ of bangs and a 1983 Robert Smith poster.”
A social craze with a built-in point system?? I claim the video game rights!