Time to jump trends, even the cops know Emo now!



This is so hilarious…  It’s almost as good as the stories of all D&D playing kids sacrificing animals or of all teenage girls having blowjob parties.. 

Adults are so out of touch with reality sometimes… (I read it on the INTERNET!)

5 thoughts on “Time to jump trends, even the cops know Emo now!

  1. Dood, it wasn’t the D&D playing kids sacrificing animals in the 80s. It was the black t-shirt wearing heavy metal kids.

    I know, my home town went through a satanism scare and thats what the nice man in the suit that town hired to talk about satanism told us.

    1. Oh, see, in my hometown, D&D == satanism… So if you were playing D&D, you were raping babies and whatnot.. Metal kids were the antichrist as well… :P

  2. “You self-mutilate your way to level 7 and gain 2″ of bangs and a 1983 Robert Smith poster.”

    A social craze with a built-in point system?? I claim the video game rights!

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