James Izzo Where Are You?


I got the comment in this journal with your new email address back in October, but you haven’t responded to any of my messages. Are you actually getting them? Let me know!


11 thoughts on “James Izzo Where Are You?

      1. Re: Subjects are important

        I’m mesmerized by your new pic, Sean. I’m just staring at it, while in my head I hear “Doink! Doink! Doink! Doink!” and so on…

        1. Re: Subjects are important

          Oh, it’s actually a very old pic, one of the first I used back when I got on LJ in 2000, I just haven’t used it in a loooong time… :)

        1. Re: Subjects are important

          If you don’t bump into me in the next couple of weeks, just leave the watch with one of the upperclassmen on floor, and I’ll pick it up eventually.

    1. James moved with his family to South Carolina… I get a fragmented email from him every 6 months or so, but it never builds to a real conversation…

        1. Any luck?

          any luck in contacting James Izzo? I, as well as others, are trying to find and contact him. (This is the musician behind Thread, right?) likewise, if you have any current info, I would love to have it. if possible, i would like to contact either one of you directly.

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