Quicksilver Down

After dilly-dallying on it for over a year, I polished off the last of Quicksilver today.  I had read the first 300 pages back around the time when it came out, but between moving back to NJ and all kinds of other stuff I got distracted.  A few months ago I made it through another 200 pages before being distracted again…  I started reading it on my first flight down to Texas two weeks ago and read the remaining 400ish pages since then.  Now I am charged to move on to book two in the series, The Confusion.  Baby steps into the Baroque Cycle.

This weekend was lots of fun, and I went to Gib’s place on Saturday to watch “the big game”.  I got way into it, as you probably guessed from my pro-baseball posting from a few weeks ago..  I know this is just home-team excitement, but the initial spark came from when I went to that game back in August (well before the Playoffs were a sure thing).  I guess maybe I will catch up with , , and tomorrow and watch Game 3 after work.

Work…  Before my trip last week a ton of work was dumped on us, all due Nov. 1.  We were told the deadline was being pushed back, and the fact that Garrett, Steve, and I were all being sent out of the office for a week wouldn’t matter.  Now, when we return today, we find out that the deadline is still Nov. 1.  Scrambling ensues.

One thought on “Quicksilver Down

  1. I’d love to catch up and watch the game, but I drove back to Rochester this evening. I figured out that I wasn’t gonna get any work done. :(

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