My “Stuff” (a.k.a. “sitchmo”) drive died in my Mac at home… Not sure when it bit the dust, but it was probably recently because I copied that Tivo data to it not so long ago. Fortunately, I had almost everything on the drive backed up to DVD-Rs. Unfortunately, this backup does not include the two latest episodes of Good Eats (“Top Banana” and “Toast Modern”) as well as the one-hour Salt special. They will probably be re-run relatively soon, though. It also just occured to me that they might be on Food Network On Demand, so I will have to dig up the Cable TV remote when I get home and maybe I can make things move that way.
On the Michigan trip and I listened to the recording of The DaVinci Code (Unabridged). I’m about halfway through the book now, and I have to say that so far I am not very impressed. Dan Brown, the author, seems to constantly condescend and speak down to his readers, repeating the same information over and over. And his pattern of “We are leading up to a discovery…. Here it comes…. Wait for it….. The characters have discovered… end of chapter” gets real old and predictable very fast. He is constantly alluding to things that happen or have been discovered without actually ever getting to them… I almost wish at this point I had gotten the Abridged version, just so I didn’t have to sit through his painfully unnecessary dialogue and adjective abuse.