At the Fall FUMN, begged me to let him in on the secret evil roster of films to be screened that night… After swearing him to secrecy, I told him. Apparently, I am a retard, because Luke waited like 5 minutes to spill the beans to Resig. From then on, Luke’s act of complete unreliablilty became “Luke’ing it”.
This weekend, however, as supreme overlord of lingusitics, I decided that “Luke’ing It” had developed a second, “meta-verb” definition, now describing “when someone does something so completely, unbelievably inane that their name becomes synonymous with that act”.
Feel free to update the previous definition.
Lewk already has some definitions to his name.
way to repeat what i already said.
We still haven’t figured out what you said that was supposed to go on the wall – I just know I nearly pissed myself when you said it.