I had mentioned a few days ago that I was jockeying 100G of data around the network at home trying to decomission morimoto
, my old linux fileserver. The need for a fileserver is diminished when you are the only one using it, and since the electrical situation at carlos
, because the machine came from carlos
. For a few days I had a 18G drive in the machine because I needed OS9 for a small project, and since I hated OS9 so much and it was such a “puny” drive I named that disk melvin
, in honor of the second CEO of Rovia who drove the company into the toilet. I removed that drive pretty quickly for some other use.
So the two new drives I threw into the Macintosh are named footgolf
and sitchmo
, to continue the Rovia theme. While I would like to give everyone in engineering their own drive, I am out of space on the IDE controller…. :)
After all the data finally got copied over, I decided it would be a good time to do a backup of that data. While most of the MP3s were created from the original sources in my collection, it was a complete pain to rip all 400+ of my CDs in the first place, and I’d hate to have to do it again. Not to mention that I also have many albums from eMusic (back when it was cool) which aren’t really backed up at all. So I figured that since there is a DVD-R in the Mac I would put it to good use. Even with the 4.7G capacity of a DVD-R it is still taking me 18 discs to backup the collection. And my DVD-R is being finicky lately, reporting buffer underruns just when starting a disc. I have found that if I put the blank in the machine, put the machine to sleep and wake it a minute or two later it is enough to reset the drive and have it successfully burn a disc. But I am beginning to suspect that the DVD-R drive will need replacement in the near future, which sucks. It seems that there is some electrical nexus in Corinna’s apartment that is killing my equipment. :) Anyway, once I get that backup done I can do incrementals which should ease the pain. I also want to backup the “space partition” (which isn’t a partition anymore), which houses a bunch of video, iso backups of games/applications I own, etc. That will probably be upwards of 10 more discs…
I had totally forgotten about the Mac! Thanks, I am moved. :) Rovia… Fenway… oh the memories.