I ran out this morning to close out my Safe Deposit Box at the Central Sq. Fleet. I had almost closed it out a few weeks ago, but I waited so I had a chance to go home and get my spare key so I didn’t have to pay the fee. But I couldn’t find the spare key this morning, it must have fallen out of my bag at some point… The person at the bank was cool though and waved the fee because apparently most people don’t even bother closing out the boxes and they need to get the locks drilled, so she was just happy that I was there.
I then got my hair cut at good old Eddie Priest’s, which is always a step back in time… I hadn’t had a haircut since before my Goodrich interview, which means it was like 2 months or more. I did some shopping as well and now the laundry is in the machine.. I rock.
Corinna is going to school later to work on a paper, but she is finishing up The Majestic which I recorded on the Tivo. She started it a few days ago, and I didn’t see the beginning, so I am hiding on the ‘puter with the headphones on until it’s over (so it isn’t spoiled). Tomorrow the SNFC is catching Dogville which should be quite the experience… It is almost 3 hours long, and it’s an art film, so we’ll see how tolerable it is. :)
I thought The Majestic was a decent movie.
Personally thought The Majestic was too loooooong and sloooooow.
Interested to hear how Dogville was!