Wound Up

I’m still really wound up from my interview over at Goodrich. Things went well, as far as I can tell, so now I just have to sit and wait to hear from them. I interviewed with 5 people, including Garrett and Steve Schaffer, who I don’t really know that well but worked at RIT on SOFIA with , , and before I started my co-op there. It’s one big happy nepotistic family (at least I hope it is.. :P). In order to get this job, however, there will be very detailed reference checking, so those of you who I have worked for/with, don’t be surprised if you are contacted.

A job would be really, really good right about now.

3 thoughts on “Wound Up

    1. I don’t know if I had it, but i tried to sprinkle in references from all of my positions, and put down Bob from CIS. If they ask for more, though, It’d be nice to put you down as another one….

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