Moving fun

Yesterday was the big move. Rory and I left for his parents at 8am
to pick up his fathers pickup. We got back to boston at 10:30 and adam
already had the minivan and his car loaded with the first load, so we
headed over to pick up the keys and sign the leases. Once that was done
we brought the first load upstairs and headed back to 265. When we got
there Corinna and Matt had arrived and Laura was awake and ready to go.
With the totally awesome help of those guys the move went much smoother
than I could have imagined. Corinna even helped set up my room when I
was trekking back to 265 for another truckload of stuff. She

The weather held out fine and we went out for dinner afterwards.
Adam and Helen did their own thing, and the other 5 of us went out.
Rory, Adam, and I sprung for the others for their help… After dinner
Corinna, Rory, Matt, and I headed over Steve Bower’s for a party. A
bunch of current/former Rochester peeps were in town for the party.
Corinna could only stay for a few hours (enough to play a group game of
Cranium) but the rest of us stayed until like 5am…. I’m really tired
today, as I only had 5 hrs of sleep today.

I’m about to meet up with the SNFC to see Gerry. More later.

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