Spent the weekend in CT helping
Not to say there was no fun, though… We watched Basquiat, but it sucked so badly that we didn’t even finish it (although we were really tired…).. Bowie was fantastic in it, however… The next night we went out and caught Red Dragon, which really surprised me… Was it an unnecessary remake of Manhunter? Yes. Was it better than Manhunter? No. Was it still a pretty good film when considered on it’s own? Yes. Did it have way too many shots of Ralph Fiennes ass? Definately.
Anyway, I had lots of fun spending time with Karen this weekend, even it lots of the time was spent schlepping her shit in and out of buildings.. (just kidding.. :P) :) I got back into town last night and was really tired so I didn’t do anything other than pick up my copy of Metroid Prime and beat it around for a little bit.. Seems like a really cool game…
Metroid Prime is the schitz, as they say ^_^ And so is Fusion for that matter.
And like hello there ^_^