Back a few days after 9/11 the owners of this building took photos of everyone for id badges. Today, more than a year later, they have finally delivered the badges…
In the photo I look like a giant fat-ass, which is a nice reminder of how much weight I have lost in the past year… It is a nice feeling. :)
Good for you Sean! I’ve lost 5 pounds but its not nearly close to my target weight. But all that walking you’ve done is helping. I can’t wait to see you! The new you!!!
The walking is helping, but the real difference comes from the vast decrease in coke consumption…
My day used to go like this:
Get to work, pop the cap on a coke, finished before lunch and quickly replaced.
Leave for lunch, large coke with lunch, always finished.
Return, finish off the coke I started before lunch, Get another. Repeat 1 or 2 more times before leaving.
Dinner with Coke, and 2 or 3 more before bed….
Now I only drink one with lunch, one with dinner, and occasionally another floater some other time in the day. The rest of the time it’s water…