
I came perilously close to purchasing a Powerbook G4 today but fortunately came to my senses.. Hehe… Actually, I will probably get one in a few months, but I would rather know that my job was secure before laying out that kind of cash… Plus I am sure that the next iteration of Powerbooks will be introduced early next year…

But I came REAL close today… :)

5 thoughts on “Peril

    1. Are you sure you’re ready for this?

      Well, not really. I was asking the employee in the store a bunch of questions that had been bothering me, and I had to explain to him how intimidating to me the Mac is… And it really is… As counterintuitive as it sounds, I think MacOS is intimidating to me. I *know* that it will be easy to use, but the UI is so foreign to me it seems that it will take forever to learn. I even asked about classes and tutorials…

      Mac users probably don’t think their OS is scary…

      All computers suck.

      Oh, I know this full-well… And I am being a pussy about the whole thing anyway, babystepping my way through this… I think I want a laptop, and the linux laptops are too much coin for what you get, and IMHO the only laptops half-as-decent as the powerbooks are the thinkpads, which are just as expensive…. So I figured do I spend a ton of money on a thinkpad, spend a ton of time wedging linux onto the fucker, and then deal with the vile nuisance that is linux (an OS which I still hate for desktop use), or do I spend a similar amount of cash and get a well-designed Unix? I still hate many things about MacOS, but I hate them *FAR* less than the other available Unix desktop solutions…

      1. Wow – what a weird thing to hear coming from a techie (the intimidation bit). Things are different, certainly. Relearing keyboard shortcuts, etc. But you’re an ex-BeOS user – you’ve already been down that road once. A period of adjustment, and off you go.

        You’re 100% right about the comparison to the Linux laptop – and factor in the expense of all the time you’ll spend fiddling with it and any cost savings erode quickly.

        The Mac is not nirvana to ex-BeOS users, but it certainly is the best thing going, IMO. You still get your user-friendly Unix, a great desktop experience, and all the big commercial apps as well. That’s good enough for me.

        1. Wow – what a weird thing to hear coming from a techie (the intimidation bit). Things are different, certainly. Relearing keyboard shortcuts, etc. But you’re an ex-BeOS user – you’ve already been down that road once. A period of adjustment, and off you go.

          See, that transition period is always awful for me… I get pretty regimented in my behavior, and it is always difficult for me to get used to UI changes… I know it sounds strange, but I just get in a groove and it is hard to break out of it….

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