I have a little cold, so I have to apologize for these lozenges

Walked to work with Rory today, and we started talking about random shit and somehow we started talking about Dr. Hart at RIT… He was such a great professor…. I remember him going on some analogy involving a janitor, but I can’t remember what it is anymore…. Hopefully it will come back eventually… =)

I remembered to bring my head sock and a pair of jeans for our racing tonight… Should be alot of fun, although I somehow know that I will feel guilty about having fun and think about work the whole time… =)

One thought on “I have a little cold, so I have to apologize for these lozenges

  1. Dr Hart ruled! I had him for a bunch of courses. A bit schitzo at times, but still a very effective professor. Certainly one of my favorites.

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