This is such a fantastic remix… In fact, Fixed is one of the best Nine Inch Nails remix cd’s. I think I am going to head out in an hour or so to get the new Nine Inch Nails CD/DVDs… While I wasn’t a huge fan of “The Fraggle”, there is still some really good music out there. I watched the MTV special last night and it got me salivating for the DVD, so I don’t think I can wait. :)
All of the local places seem to be only getting in VHS copies of the new video release. grr.
when you get the DVD, make sure you get the right one (there’s a 5.1 version and a DTS version).
The 5.1 lets you switch live between angles, the DTS version doesn’t
That’s because you are in Rochester… :)
I am not sure if I want the DTS version or not… I really don’t give a shit about multi-angle. I could just rent the DD version to play with the angles once, but I can’t imagine ever wanting to play with the angles after the first time. I would rather have the better audio.
well, my apexen don’t deal with DTS as far as i know… so i think i’m gonna go with the 5.1 version.
And now, my brain is working on fraggle related lyrics for NIN songs… whee!
“Mokey, hold a little tighter, I might just slip away”
well, my apexen don’t deal with DTS as far as i know… so i think i’m gonna go with the 5.1 version.
Ahh… I have a full DTS setup, so I can definately reap the benefits of the DTS dvd. Is the multi-angle the ONLY difference between discs, AFAYK?
And now, my brain is working on fraggle related lyrics for NIN songs… whee!
I’m glad you like that… Really, the album isn’t BAD, but I really think it should have been ONE disc, not two… I prefer one really kickass album to two albums with lots of good songs, but a few mediocre ones thrown in the mix. I am one of the few people who seems to really appreciate the artform of the “album” as a whole unit. Singles are nice, but there is something to be said for an Album that stands on its own as one unit.
as far as i know; yes
and understood.
Reading the DD/DTS faq at the and all that could have been website, both discs HAVE the multi-angles, but the DD one lets you change angles on the fly… So that definately made the decision for me, I am going DTS.
I just ran down the street to Best Buy and picked up both the DTS DVD and the 2 CD Set. Unfortunately, when I got back here I noticed that one of the disc retention sprockets in the CD’s case was busted, so I guess I am gonna go return it after work… At least I can listen to it now.. :P
Well, luckilly, on the way to 390, i hit (in turn) Media Play, Borders, Best Buy.
I will own that DVD… oh yes… i will own it.
imo, the live cd isn’t really anything special.. it’s good, it sounds great, it’s a good performance, but it doesn’t really do much for me… i guess hearing all of the bootlegs kinda softened the blow of it. heh.
the ‘still’ cd i think is the jewel. :}