Another evil committed by Blockbuster:
When there are both widescreen and pan-and-scan versions available of a DVD, Blockbuster chooses to exclusively stock the pan-and-scan version, as opposed to both. I can understand that Blockbuster believes that the average joe doesn’t want a letterboxed film, but that is no excuse to have all 1000 copies of the latest hollywood piece of shit be in pan-and-scan…

Click on the image above to visit the Blockbuster Widescreen Petition. While these online petitions are probably worthless, and we all know how evil Blockbuster is, it doesn’t take that long to sign it.. :) I would say I was going to boycott Blockbuster, but I am already doing that, so it wouldn’t do much good… =) If you don’t understand what the hub-bub over Widescreen is all about, you might find help in this document.
Thanks for posting that. Amy and I also started boycotting BlockBlister six months ago, even though there’s one conveniently located on our corner. The employees know jack-diddly about movies, the selection is terrible, and they kept charging late fees we know we didn’t incur.
At Reel one day a guy next to me was complaining that DVDs suck because so many of them “show up in a little window on the TV.” Takes all types I guess.