I love new jersey. :)
I got back in state around 10am yesterday… My sister, Larissa, was there to pick me up at the airport, and I drove us back to our home in her car (mostly cuz I hadn’t driven in so long). We stopped to a place in town to get a Taylor Ham & Cheese on a Hard Roll for breakfast/lunch….
I took a quick nap and then Chuck came over, and eventually one of my friends named John came over. We all hung out until my ‘rents got back, Chuck ate dinner over, and we picked up Amy and went out to see The Others. Afterwards we headed out to a Diner and met up with James for a little while. I dropped everyone off around 2, but I talked to Amy for a few hours in her driveway… So I didn’t get in till 4am, hence my 1pm awakening today…
I am not sure what the plan is today, but it will involve a family dinner somewhere… My sister Aimee is coming back from school to see me, and I guess we are all going out somewhere..