You’re ego is writing checks your body can’t cash

I just unloaded my Blockbuster Gift Card today and bought Top Gun. As I watch it now, I realize that this should have been in my collection quite some time ago… :P

2 thoughts on “You’re ego is writing checks your body can’t cash

  1. OMG I love that movie!! Actually, it’s Tom Cruise that I love, but that movie *is* a keeper!
    More Tom Cruise keepers :
    Risky Business, Cocktails, Days of Thunder, The Firm, A Few Good Men…
    Those are all good ones to add to your collection. =)

    You may not see Tom in the same light that I do ;-) but for the most part – any movie he is in is likely a really good one.

    1. You may not see Tom in the same light that I do ;-) but for the most part – any movie he is in is likely a really good one.

      One word: Legend.

      Proof positive that even Tom Cruise can make a completely shitty film. ;)

      Top Gun truly is an American classic, and in conjunction with Days of Thunder, we are only left awaiting the “Really Fast Big Machine Piloted by a Tom” trilogy’s final film.

      And anyway, what makes you think I don’t see Tom in the same light? :)


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