Today a hippie inconvenienced me. I walked from my desk to the vending machine to grab a Coke, and when I got there I found that the machine was rejecting my perfectly good dollar bill. I examined the bill, and found what I presume is the culprit. A stamp near George Washington’s mouth with a cartoon speech bubble reading “I Grew Hemp”. I tried the bill in all possible orientations, but all were rejected even though it was in tip-top shape. And since I had just brought enough for a drink, I had to hike back to my desk to obtain a non-patchoulli bill.
Damn hippies! I still haven’t forgiven the old hippie that returned a zipcar late and made me get stuck in traffic for 45 minutes. I see him in Coolidge Corner all the time.
pot smoking burn outs make me sooo mad. one time, uhh… this dude, like, totally spilled my beer, and i was like, “you fucking hippie. go back to boulder, and wash your fucking hair.”
Hippy originally meant “fake hipster”. I like that.
I heard an old dude in the hall say “We weren’t hip back then. We were HEP.”
hippies suck!
I desperately tried to find your email address but since I had no luck I’m saying hi here. I just wanted to say it was really good to hear from you and I was very touched by your offer of help. I’m pretty sure I have everything under control at the moment, but if you lived out here I’d totally be recruiting you to help me pack! Anyway I hope we’ll keep in touch more now – and if you ever end up in Phoenix and want to hang out with a crazy girl and her spawn, I’d love to see you!
Re: hippies suck!
My email address is still my CSH address (grahams at …), so you can always get ahold of me there… I think you can also somehow get a working email address out of typekey on your weblog…
Thanks for making explicit the implicit sarcasm in my post. It was probably necessary.
Sarcasm is pretty tough to convey via text. Try harder next time.
Sarcasm is pretty tough to convey via text. Try harder next time.
Though posting with a screen name is even more difficult.
Nice one. =)
Always a pleasure to watch you work sir…