Speaking of Tahou’s, I really need a job so I can afford a trip to Rochester and get a god-damned plate.
I am 50% addicted to Tahous. What about you?
Speaking of Tahou’s, I really need a job so I can afford a trip to Rochester and get a god-damned plate.
I am 50% addicted to Tahous. What about you?
72%. I wonder if there’s a correlation between that number and someone’s cholesterol.
I am 46% addicted to Tahous.
A lot of the answers I gave were only really valid a bunch of years ago… “daydreamed about a plate” etc.
I think that if the questions were “within the past month”, then I’d probably drop pretty far down.
Only 48%! I’m amazed at that one.
I’m flattered. Well, sort of. I had forgotten about that little thing, having been written months before I had even heard of LJ. I think people were posting it in their AIM profiles.
Trust me, you could have worse things come back to haunt you over the years on the Internet….
For instance:
Only 36%. I was always a Mark’s sloppy plate guy anyway. I’d rather get shot on Monroe than stabbed on Main St or drive all the way out to Lyell.