Save the Original Trilogy

George Lucas has said awhile back that he has no intention of releasing the Star Wars films on DVD in their original (before the Special Edition) forms. Now I know it is pretty geeky of me to get worked up about this, but I grew up with Star Wars, and I don’t have a problem with him revising the films if he so desires, but give me the option to see them in their original form (even if I have to pay more to do so). Han shot first, damnit!

Click the image above to sign the petition being run by The Digital Bits. Their last petition drive was responsible for Lucas releasing Episode I on DVD, so perhaps they can meet the same level of success this time around.

3 thoughts on “Save the Original Trilogy

  1. han was a dirty bastard
    and still is
    no reason to make him look like a good guy
    hes just after sex money and saving the universe.

    but he did shoot first


    Episode I is about Naboo
    and i think he would want to release those on DVD, as they would create huge sales

    so.. did u mean Episode 4?

    1. No, I meant god damned episode 1. Read it again:

      Their last petition drive was responsible for Lucas releasing Episode I on DVD, so perhaps they can meet the same level of success this time around.

      Note the words: “Their last petition”… That’s because their last petition was to get Lucas to begin releasing the Star Wars movies on DVD. Lucas originally wanted to wait until all six films were complete before releasing them on DVD, but their petition changed their mind, and Lucas released Episode 1 on DVD. I was using the example of the LAST petition as proof that this kind of effort can be successful. The current petition is trying to convince Lucas to release the original trilogy on DVD in their original form, as opposed to the Special Edition butcher jobs he released back in 1997.

      As someone who was actually ALIVE when the original trilogy was in the theater (Hell, I even saw Empire and Jedi in the theater), I believe I have a reasonable command of which movie is which.

      Thanks, come again.

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