Does anyone reading this know of any free tools for Windows that will allow me to do VERY simple editing on MPEG2 files? All I need is something that will open the file, allow me to delete sections of the file (say, for example, commercials… :P) and then save the file again?
I haven’t found one. I’ve been using FlaskMPEG to convert MPEG2 to MPEG4 and Divx, converting only the non-commercial segments, and then appending them together with VirtualDub, which takes a bit of work trying to synch the audio with the video.
But my guess is you’re looking for something much easier, and that I don’t know. Sorry.
When I try to use flask to convert a file, the audio is always chopped… I am certain this is part of the lack of upconversion of the samplerate, but I have no idea how to stop it. :)
I’ve been looking quite a while for the tool you describe. I found one that works 27% of the time which is really annoying for the other 73%. I’ve found it more fulfilling to convert to divx as well. Much easier to cut up. In case you have better luck than I, the tool is located here
I’ve found it more fulfilling to convert to divx as well. Much easier to cut up.
So would you suggest to convert the entire file to DivX first and then do the editing? If so, what tools do you use for that?
I read this under WXS friends…
Pinnacle DV500 Plus is a wonderful editing system…it costs like $500 or so..but you can prob. find it around -it can import mpeg2..or you can find MPEGator 2 prob somewhere through some links on online and what not… – if you need help randomly feel free to ask . sorry im random. thought i may help. bye
Have you tried personalStudio for Windows? Version 3 is out now. I know MPEG support was on the way for v3, although only claims MPEG1 support. Hmm… Still, it’s a great product that doesn’t get enough attention.
I would buy it if I needed REAL video editing, but all I need is to cut some video out of an existing MPEG2 file… And if pS doesn’t support MPEG2, it doesn’t really do much for me.
mpeg2 or divx/mpeg4?
I’ve never found much of anything about decoding or encoding mpeg2 video… most of that is stuck in licensing/bullshit (unless you’re ripping DVD’s… but I’ve never bothered with that).
There are quicktime components available for divx/3ivx/etc. that would allow the pro version to chop up the video tracks left and right. Of course… QT Pro isn’t free, but it’s cheap.
As stated, MPEG2. :)