Lord of the Rings

I just got back from seeing Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I went to see it with Amy and James, and overall I liked the film… This kind of surprised me because I read the book that this movie was based on many moons ago and didn’t really enjoy it all that much… Perhaps I will go back and read it again, and perhaps the entire trilogy (I stopped at the first book last time around)..

Did the film have it’s flaws? Of course. Did the film end abruptly? Of course (but no more abruptly than Empire). But overall, I was very impressed with it. I don’t believe the hype it is receiving is unjust….

James and I exchanged xmas gifts… I got him the DVD of The Elephant Man and he got me Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue“, which is way cool.

Actually, looking back at my Journal, I guess I never really addressed the whole Christmas thing after the fact… =) I had a great time with my family and friends, everyone seemed to really like their gifts, and I got lots of cool stuff as well…

4 thoughts on “Lord of the Rings

  1. Thanks. Once again, well explained. I only heard from people that the film ends abruptly. Your “no more abrubptly than Empire” kind of made me understand a bit more what they mean :)

    I am still not sure if I want to see it but I am sure that I don’t want to wait 2 years to see them all 3 together. Grrr… will I survive an Empire like ending? Probably. Will I be able to not see the movie? Probably not.



    1. Thanks. Once again, well explained. I only heard from people that the film ends abruptly. Your “no more abrubptly than Empire” kind of made me understand a bit more what they mean :)

      Well, just like Empire, it is a story that will definately be continued in a sequel. The first Star Wars was made not knowing if any of the sequels would ever be made, but in making Empire lucas could be fairly sure that he would be able to finish the trilogy. He didn’t feel as much pressure to make the movie so self-contained. And it wasn’t, at the end of empire, many of the characters’ fate was in question. The viewer is left with the same feeling at the end of Fellowship of the Ring.

  2. I also recieved the Elephant Man on DVD from Lindsey- I’ve yet to watch it though… Big Tony looks so young on the back though :)

    Also got Play: The DVD, Reservoir Dogs, and two generic Jackie Chan pieces of shit- bringing my my post holiday DVD count to + 5, not to mention being heavy one copy of Go Plastic and some dope glassware :) My family knows how to hook me up :)

    1. Oh- to chime in for Lord of the Rings- the post production blew my mind- it was subtle (maybe tasteful is a better word)… in the sense that everything was exceedingly well done with a lot of attention to detail and consistency. I can only think of a few points at which I was bothered by either Elijah Woods’ or Johny D’s height, for example. Even heavily effected sequences (the ring sequences) looked good without being too literal/abstract. Lots of balance and elegance.

      Oh- the Elf Dude as the guy from the Matrix… hehehehe… “Good bye, Mr. Baggins…”

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