
What are the differences between the different brands of Tivo units… I am thinking of getting a 30 hour unit, but I don’t know whether to go with the Phillips or Sony models. Sony’s is traditionally more expensive, but they are rebating them now so they are like the same price…

2 thoughts on “Tivo

  1. Differences

    I’ve got a Philips one, Matt’s got a Sony one. The differences – other than silver vs. black – appear to be mostly in the remote.

    The remote for the Sony is silver, and not very ergonomic, but has a few “shortcut” buttons on it that the Philips model does not. The Philips remote is curved nicely to fit in your hand.

    The hardware and software, AFAIK, are the same. Since the difference in remote really isn’t a big deal to me – I’d go with the less expensive model, regardless of brand. Or, if they’re the same price, go with the one that color coordinates :)


    1. Re: Differences

      Or, if they’re the same price, go with the one that color coordinates :)

      After some other investigation, lots of other people had the same conclusion… Some of them really bitched about the Sony remote…

      See my post from later today on my current thinking on this stuff.

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